Chapter 10

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Ella's POV

Knock knock

I paid no attention to the person who knocked and came into the class.

My hand worked quickly with the pen solving equations for x.

"Ella?" My head snapped up towards the teacher.

"The principal would like to see you in his office please."

My eyes widened slightly in surprise, I nodded slowly and began gathering my things. Shoving my calculator, binder, and pen into my handbag I walked out the class following the boy.

He was taller than me by a few inches. His head swirling with waves as they were precise and defined. He had a brush in his other hand occasionally brushing through his waves as we walked down the stairs.

He was cute but I didn't find him attractive so I paid no attention to him and just followed him silently.

We walked into the administration office and walked to the back facing brown wooden closed door labeled Principals office.

The boy knocked sharply twice and nudged his head towards the door at me.

I smiled tightly and opened the door slowly walking in.

To my surprise seated at the round conference table in the principals office were my dad, the principal, and Adrian with another women in professional attire.

"Ah hi Miss Dabon, take a seat."

I nodded and sat beside my dad. He looks concerned and was in his work attire. He was a construction worker and had the bright yellow vest on.

"What's going on?" I questioned although I had a slight idea about it.

"Well," Principal Maynoth cleared his throat and started talking.
"You've been given an incredible opportunity. Remus Lycan University has offered you a full time scholarship to attend their school. They'll be covering for your senior year, and years of college full time. They've brought it to me and urgently needed to fulfill your application before the deadline which is tomorrow night." Mr. Maynoth said through a strain voice. He looked annoyed and uncomfortable in the presence of Adrian who had a his lips in a straight line with a neutral face and dressed in a suit looking extremely professional yet still seemed intimidating and oozed with power.

"Oh. Wow," I acted shock and taken away.

"Really?" I stared at Adrian and my principal astonishing grinning.

"Yes Miss Dabon really. My application office has somehow found you randomly and was astonished by your accomplishments and act of self-advocate. You bring diversity and a strong work ethic into our school which is exactly why you'd fit right in. I believe RL University is great for you, we have an option of classes to chose from as well as clubs and sports. Teachers are intensive with making students learn the best way to them, they stay after school or give up breaks to help students out.

I'd be an honor to have you attend there. You'd continue all your regular classes here as your on track with your credits and any problems you have with your schedule or classes you can go straight to the principal Mrs. Tilley."

"Hi Miss Dabon, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've went over your record and am throughly impressed with your extracurricular activities, being able to balance several different jobs, volunteering in community service, clubs throughout your years, and a 3.4 GPA is amazing and I'd love to have you join us up at RL University. Of course due to the four hour distance, we would advocate for housing and you to stay on campus. It's completely safe and we haven't had a problem in the past twenty years I've been principal nor before that as well. I know it's overwhelming and a lot to take in but making this decision would impact your future greatly." She smiled softly at me before her eyes flickered over to my father.

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