Chapter 4

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Ella's POV

I ran up the stairs and into the train before the doors closed. As soon as I stepped in they closed immediately, and it started moving to the next stop.

I huffed and sat down on the nearest empty seat. I was too unfit for this, literally all I did was run for less than three minutes to catch the train, and I feel like I'm having a heart attack. Definitely need to hit the gym soon.

Once my heart rate and breathing was at a normal pace, I relaxed and plugged in my headphones into my phone and blasting music to occupy myself on this hour train ride to school.

I live in Brooklyn, New York and attended school in Manhattan. This can definitely be a pain in the ass sometimes due to getting up extra early to get the train on the right time, the hour train rides to and from plus the extra delays everyday.

But I do the best I can for mami and papi, they raised my brother and I to who we are today and I couldn't do enough to repay them. They bust their asses off working to provide for us, so it's the least I can do.

I look around to see the train getting packed with more people coming on at each stop. Across from me there's an extremely bralic guy staring at me. He looks extremely intimidating, but like he doesn't belong here. His muscles were huge under his shirt, and his face contained a scowl as he directed those deep gleaming eyes at me. Definitely a tourist, he looks so out of place and you can tell he's not a New Yorker.

He remain his stare on me and I do the same. Hell no if you think I'm going to look away first Wreck-It Ralph.

He looks annoyed looking down at the floor with a frown on his stone cold scary face.

Ha! Good bitch, you would've though I was backing down.

After another thirty minutes of the train ride with two delays this time, not that bad.

My stop was next so I got up grabbing my bag and adjusting myself. I stood near the doors but the train comes to an halt. The commander comes on, "Sorry for the delay in your commute, ladies and gentlemen. There are two trains ahead causing traffic. As soon as they move, we'll start moving again," in a muffled voice through the radio.

I groaned. Really! Right before my stop. I have ten minutes to get to school, I'm praying this delay isn't long.

After another five minutes of standing I become irritated and take a seat. I increase the volume of my music to the max to at least make my morning some what better. Reggae comes on which puts a smile to my face. Nothing puts you to peace like reggae.

I nod my head to the beat and scream the lyrics inside my head. I'm such a old-school reggae feen due to my Jamaican father. He taught me all about the carribean culture. The music, food, parties, festivals, everything is so exciting and alive. I'm proud to be apart of it.

Although don't be fooled, I can put my money where my mouth is when it comes to my bachata. I'll can show you how it's done when it comes to bachata or salsa, don't underestimate me. I learned from the best, my mama of course. She's a Latina, mixed with a little Hispanic and Italian. Weird mixture I know. My life revolves over a lot of cultures and traditions, however it makes me who I am today and I grew up with all of it. My momma is mixed due to her parents, my grandparents. Grandpa is Italian and Latino and grandma is Hispanic. We make it work though.

Both my mom and dad are immigrants at this point. My dad came here to NYC from Jamaica through a military program to which he met my mom through mutual friends. Fast forward to a lot of dates and loved shared between them, outcomes two kids.

My dad had to leave the program and get a real job as the salary through that couldn't cover the cost of taking care of a family. Once we started school, my mom got a job as well. They started working shift to shift, paycheck to paycheck.

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