Chapter 6

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Ella's POV

I was fucking late again, I overslept through my alarm.

Thank god I grabbed my hoodie, the rain was pouring which slowed me down.

After finally getting to the train station and fumbling with my metro card to swipe it, I hopped on the first train that arrived which I waited five minutes for.

I pulled my hair into a sloppy bun and pulled my hood on, sticking my ear buds into my ears and turning up the volume.

I didn't get to brush my hair so I still have bed head plus it being wet and frizzy from the rain. Not a good combination.

You know that feeling you get when you can feel the eyes of someone staring at you?

Cause I did, it was common on train rides but this person has been looking at me for a while. Either that or I'm paranoid. I looked up scanning the train to see people talking, sleeping, or on their phones in this morning commute.

Before I could investigate more my phone started to vibrate and my music stopped. I looked down and saw my mom calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Buenos días mi amor, has desayunado?"
(Good morning my love, did you eat breakfast?)

"No mama, me desperté tarde," I sighed as I got ready to face her typical Latina mom response. (No mama, I woke up late.)

"¿de nuevo? Ya estás en problemas por llegar tarde todos los últimos tres semanas Ella. Tienes que dejar de estar en ese maldito teléfono todo el tiempo. Necesitas dormir mejor, mi amor. Cuando llegue a casa, tu padre y yo vamos a hablar de esto, ¿está bien? Ir a la escuela segura, te hablaré más tarde, bebé."

(Again? Your already in trouble for being late everyday the last three weeks Ella.
You need to stop being on that damn phone all the time. You need to get better sleep my love. When I get home your dad and I are going to talk about this okay? Get to school safe, I'll talk to you later baby)

"Okay mami, bye love you."

"Aye espera Ella!"
(Aye wait Ella)

"Yes mother?"

"¿Te vistas bien? Está lloviendo intensamente afuera."
(Did you dress warm? It's raining heavily outside)

"Yes mom I did. I got to go now, bye love you." I quickly greeted to get her to hang up.

She finally did and my music started to play again, I groaned as I shut my eyes hoping this train ride went by quickly.

She spoke Spanish, Latin, and a majority of English but some words she stumbled on but she insisted to speak to me in Spanish. Why? I'll never know. It drives me insane because it's annoying and sometimes I mix up the words getting them wrong. I can't speak it fluently but I understand it.

My stop came soon as I walked through morning commuters to the exit pulling my hood up. I was late and at this point I couldn't care. I was tired of this stupid school with annoying teachers who can't actually teach, immature students who go there just to see their 'friends' who they'll probably never talk to after high school, if they graduate. God I absolutely hate the students there, just don't even get me started on how idiotic they are.

The rain was still pouring with the wind increasing. Everyone had umbrellas rushing to get to their destination unlike my dumbass who didn't even check the weather. Traffic was bad as all you hear is honking throughout the streets.

I kept my head down and grabbed the handle of the entrance to the lobby for the huge building. As I stepped in I looked up to see a security guard standing with his arms folding. He had a mean frown on his face.

"Ma'am are you bypassing or do you have a purpose here?"

It took me a minute to comprehend what he had just say. Give me a break it's Tuesday's, I'm not a morning person especially having to go to school.

"Uh oh no, just bypassing."

He nodded and motioned for the door to the right.
"Due to work being done in the main lobby, by passers can use this door to the right. Walk straight down the hall and take a left, it'll lead to another door to exit the building on eighth ave."

I nodded and thanked him.

I entered through the door he showed me to and walked down like he said. Weirdly this part of the building was quiet and vacant. On both sides there were elevators, glass displays of awards and other stuff I didn't pay mind to, a picture here and there, and a TV that had the morning news on it.

I reached the end of the hallway and saw two doors one on the left, another on the right, and an elevator in the middle between the split halls. Before I could react and turn left like the man instructed, the elevator pinged and I jumped as a tall bulky guy exited.

I jumped as he stepped forward and I recognized him as the creepy guy who kept staring at me on the train. The one that looked like he was on steroids. He had cropped blonde hair and hazel blue eyes.

"Sorry about this but don't scream," my eyes widened as he brought a black cloth to my face.

"What the fu-" I tried to say as I backed away only to hit a wall that was never there. My heart began speeding as I stared to get scared.

Hands went around my own and kept my body in place with force. He had a strong grip on me it slightly began to hurt.

As the steroid blondie moved forward holding the black cloth pressing it against my mouth. I struggled as I began moving my head back and forth and wiggling my body trying to move out of the other guys grip. I could feel his grip tighten. I began screaming only for my vision to become fuzzy and I could feel my tears starting to drip. Before I knew it I saw black.

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