Chapter 17

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Ella's POV
One week later


I sighed as I dragged my body down the stairs sore from the weekend wedding activities. I was a bridesmaid, so I was constantly running around making sure everything was in check and a few members of our family flew in helping out. Having Jamaican and Hispanics at a wedding makes it definitely litt but the after effects on my feet and sore body weren't as lit.

I left late on Friday night, going into Saturday morning arriving to help out. We had a party on Saturday night, church reception on Sunday morning, and the hall party later on. I left as everyone was headed home, not even being allowed to sleep over. Alpha Adrian was strict on my stay, not wanting to surpass the distance  allowed from the pack and paying consequences, I completely understood but it was a little aggravating.

I hugged my family goodbye as it'll be a while until I see them again. My parents fly out tonight, I packed the rest of my belongings I left behind bringing it back to the pack. I'll miss them sincerely, but they'll be happy and that satisfies me.

Thank god we had off today from school, some American holiday I could care less about.

My phone vibrated as I clicked on the green phone symbol answering my mom.

"Morning Ma."

"Morning baby! Are you up yet? I hope I didn't wake you."

"Nah, I got up and showered already. I think I missed breakfast, I'm going down now though to make some, I slept in since there's no school."

"Oh okay, are there people around?"

"Yeah," I responded walking into the kitchen waving at a few teens lingering around who missed breakfast like me probably from sleeping in.

I noticed Chloe, Colton, Blake, Shelby, and other teens hanging around the table talking.

"Háblame en español, nunca se sabe lo que los niños ruidosos podrían estar escuchando."
Talk to me in Spanish, you never know what noisy kids might be listening.

"Sí Ma," I chuckled grabbing an plate and popping frozen pancakes in the toaster. I looked up to Chloe waving at me as I smiled back motioning to my phone, she nodded understanding.

"Te voy a extrañar bebe Asegúrate de comportarte correctamente y mantente al tanto de tus libros."
I'm going to miss you baby. Make sure you behave, and stay on top of your books.

"Está bien, mamá, lo haré."
Okay mom, I will.

"¿Viste a Alejandro en la boda? Ese chico ha crecido, muy lindo. Lo vi mirandote hija."
Did you see Alejandro at the wedding? That boy has grown up, very cute. I saw him looking at you.

"Ma! ¡No me interesa Alejandro! El es un asno."
I have no interest in Alejandro. He's an ass.

"Uh huh sure baby. Well I'm just putting it out there, if you and him ever end up together again your father and I would approve. Well, I'd approve for the most part," she giggled like an sixteen year old schoolgirl.

"Ugh. Eres tan vergonzoso! No tengo interés en volver a estar con él," I rolled my eyes at even the thought of being near him. I hated his guts.
(You're so embarrassing! I have no interest in being with him again.)

"Okay no need to get worked up love. You finished your homework?"


"Unpacked everything?"

"Yup. Have you guys finished packing everything?"

"Yeah your father is talking to the landlord right now, he'll be up just now to talk to you. We want to talk to you now before we leave later tonight. Make sure you're good, and make us proud. We love you. I'll call and check up with you everyday. I'm going to miss you so much hija."

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