Chapter 7

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Ella's POV

"Why did you drug her? I said bring her to me safe and sound not drugged and tied up for fucks sake Kane. Why the fuck are there marks on her wrist? Huh!?"

"Sorry Alpha but if I just grabbed her while she was conscience, her screaming and resisting would draw attention," a familiar voice said pulling me out of the darkness.

I heard a deep growl causing me definitely snap out of whatever sleeping trance I was in.

Shit! I have school! I groaned as I opening my eyes widening.

Only not to come face to face with my bedroom but an office. I saw white at first but as I took in the room, there was a huge glass desk with an iMac on it with papers, pens, everything an office desk would obtain. From as far as I could see there was an book shelf and cabinets behind the desk.

Suddenly a man occupied the chair behind the desk as he sat down.

"Hello Ella." He was the guy from yesterday. The hotties father, the one that made me fall well it wasn't entirely his fault but I'm jacking it is.

I tried to get up and out of here. What the fuck, this was definitely starting to get creepy.

Only to find I couldn't move.
I was restrained from getting up, looking down I saw my waist tied with rope and I could feel the hard twisted material around my legs as well.

My hands were free thankfully but had purplish bruises on them.

"Wha-who-what the hell is going on! Please let me go!" I stuttered out trying to make sense of all of this. What the hell was happening? I was so clueless. I've never met this man before yesterday.

"I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances Ella, but I have an extremely important issue that has to be discussed with you."

"So important you had to freaking tie me up!?"

"Sorry about that, but it wasn't my doing. Trust me I don't approve of it but in this situation it's probably best until you know the entire truth."

"No untie me and let me go goddamit! That's it I'm going to call the cops on you! Sick weirdo!"

I heard snickers behind me and my head snapped trying to see who else is in the room but they were out of my peripheral vision, my head couldn't turn 360 along with my body and feet being tied up.

"Who else is here?" I demanded.

"These are the guys who have been assuring your safety. They've been watching over you for about a few weeks now. I want you to trust me so whatever questions you ask, I'll answer truthfully and the best I can. This is Kane and Blake."

Two guys came into sight as they stood beside and slightly behind the creepy guy in the chair.

My eyes widened as I recognized the steroid blondie but next to him was a complete cutie. He was dark skinned, tall about the same height as the blondie but just a bit less muscle but never less had an extremely strong built body, only difference he didn't look like he was on steroids.

But they were both huge. The cutie was beside the psycho that I now remember knocked me out as he grabbed me. What the fuck!

I stared at both of them as the blondie looked directly at me while the other had dark hair and brown eyes that looked everywhere except at me.

"What the fuck!! You all are insane! You have been following me! I saw you in the train with your big ass steroid taking self staring at me! You all are fucking psychos, let me go!" I yelled at them. I know with the position I'm in all tied up, yelling and insulting them wouldn't help my case but I didn't care. I'm a hot headed New Yorker what do you expect?

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