Chapter 14

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Ella's POV

One month later

I couldn't focus on the algebraic problem in front of me over Chloe and Blake's bickering.

"Could you guys please shut the fuck up!" I shouted throwing my pencils at them.

They looked towards me shocked at my input, as I usually let them be.

"Who's got her panties in a twist?" Chloe snorted as Blake howled in laughter.

My face came in contact with pillows hitting me in the face and I was soon tackled by one of those two idiots.

I fell onto the ground as I was attacked by pillows and tickles.

Definitely Chloe tackled me, she's the only one who knows I'm ticklish. I screamed in laughter tugging away from them, failing miserably.

"Stop please! Stop I'm sorryHAHAHA!"

The pillow was removed off my face, and the tickles stopped.

"There we go, good ole sweet Ella is back," Blake grinned.

"Suck ass," I muttered as I threw all the pillows on the ground towards him.

"Love you too Elle," he said snickering.

"Ugh I don't understand what Mr. G taught in math today," I groaned.

"Well if you were awake, I'm sure that'd help you understand."

"I know, I haven't been getting good sleep lately. I think it's because of the back and forth with going home and coming here."

"Yeah Ella it's taking a toll on you. I get you miss your family, but they're doing fine."

"I know Chlo, but I'm trying to get in as much time with them as I can before they leave. They leave right after my brothers wedding, and that's next week. I'm happy for them, but I'll miss them."

Yup, Adrian stuck to his word and got my parents flights to DR, a place there, and more than enough money to keep them on their feets. I felt bad at first, but I realized what a huge sacrifice I made for his pack and people, and kept telling myself it was an even deal. My parents refused at first, they hate hand outs but I managed to convince them. It was hard, but I did it. All it took was visits every weekend, lots of FaceTime calls, and pictures of how well the school is treating me. I showed them around the school, and my room on FaceTime. I also had to send my dad photos of every meal I ate, so he knows I'm being fed well. I mean nothing beats my dads food, but I'm pretty satisfied with the meals here. I'm positive I've gained a few pounds.

"I know, don't worry we're always here for you," she hugged me and squeezed into my body. One thing about Chloe's hugs are that she can literally hug you to death.

"Okay Chloe, don't kill her now. We like her," Blake said just as Chloe pushed him away.

"Hey on the brighter side, my birthdays tomorrow! I get to meet my mate," she exclaimed.

I've been all caught up on the werewolf world and all the phrases. I find it pretty interesting, and I'm a little jealous that werewolves gets an soulmate or mate in their terms. Someone who is destined to be with you, and will absolutely love you for you. I love the idea of it and witness it everyday here at the pack.

I've been caught up in school, and werwolf world but not the reason behind my involvement here. Adrian, Audrey, the Betas, and the elder knows something and have been super weird around me.
Although we did find out that I can't be away from the pack house for long. Last month, Chloe threw an Halloween party so school was out. I left early and stayed at my parents house for about five days and went dress shopping with my brothers fiancé, Lily for the wedding and had to rush back because the pack house went frenetic.
Adrian keeps bad werewolf's, or another term for them rogues locked in an underground prison deep in the forest, and one of them bit a pack officer and escaped. Around the same time, an expecting mother started bleeding, and her mate turned into his wolf and was running around howling and thrashing uncontrollably becoming a danger to himself and the pack.
I rushed back to the pack, but unfortunately it was too late. The women lost her baby. They took me to one of the cells, and I tried soothing her mate. I was scared shitless of being so close to an uncontrolled wolf, but surprisingly he let me pet him. He howled softly crying in my lap. Then, they found the rogue dead right outside of the packs boarders. Adrian was furious, and was shouting orders at everyone. It was honestly so crazy, that's when I realized how serious this Moon Goddess thing was. I always thought it was serious and rather be safe than sorry, but I thought it was just a coincidence with the first couple.

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