Chapter 5

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Alpha Adrian POV

"Dad what the fuck happened back there?" My eldest son by five minutes spoke up.

I narrowed my eyes at his language as we stepped into the elevators with the two pack warriors I brought along with my third in command. Just as the doors were about to shut a hand reached out and stopped it with force as the elevator reopened fully.

By the smell it was Blake, future beta and Matt's son along with my best warrior Kane. They nodded towards me and stepped into the elevator.

They were assigned to follow Ella's every move and assure her safety. From their return I'm guessing she made it into school safely.

I was paralyzed in shock when she fell right in front my eyes. I thought I was dreaming again but when Colten helped her up and practically scolded me for not helping nor apologizing to her I snapped out of it. There she was standing right in front of me. The young human who held the future of my pack in her hands without even knowing.

This was the encounter The Moon Goddess saw coming and without the warning, I would've let her slip right through my fingers thinking nothing into it. I mean it was absurd honestly, never in a million moons would I have ever thought this mere human could ruin my pack that I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into. The tears part was all Matt and Aubrey, (don't let them know I told you that.)

It sounds ridiculous, but coming from the Moon Goddess, I knew better than taking her warning lightly. Especially with the consequences the witch Bonnie spoke of. I didn't doubt they would happen if I ignored everything. I just don't understand the relationship between Ella and my pack.

I know Colten isn't the age of finding his mate yet but if she was, he would've felt something at least or acted differently. He acted with kindness and had a typical reaction anyone would of had meeting her in that circumstance. I don't think she's his mate, which I don't know whether I'm relived or worried. Worried that if she's not his mate what connection and/or power does she have over my pack. Relived that the future Luna might not be a human, Aubrey would have my head if she heard me saying that.

She believes if the girl is future Luna that it doesn't matter whether if she's non werewolf or not, that she was made to be Luna. To that argument I can't disagree because one The Moon Goddess paired them at birth so there's no argument there whether she's a good Luna or not, she was made to be one. And second I don't want to be sleeping on the couch tonight, there's no arguing with Aubrey, she's always right. She's infuriating but I love her regardless.

"Where were you guys?" I snapped out of my worrisome thoughts as Colten spoke up.

"Oh uh-we were just-" Blake began stuttering out as Kane spoke up covering up for both of them. I'll have their heads if Colten finds out about this entire thing.

"We wanted the whole New York City experience, so we took the train here and we took forever because I had to pull Blake away from buying a hot dog. Something about 'it's not a New York experience without buying a hot dog in the city'," he muttered rolling his eyes.

Colten nodded but still suspiciously looked over them. Alpha instincts.

The elevator pinged as we finally got to the top floor and got out.

I walked over to the CFO of this building and company, none other than Christina Maríe (pronounce Mad•re) (with a slight accent rolling the d&r together)

"Well can't say this is a surprise, good morning Adrian. Oh-is that my handsome nephew. My my, how you have grown these past years. Definitely isn't a teenage puberty-fresh pup anymore! Come here and give your auntie some love," she immediately said as soon as we stepped outside her office in one breathe.

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