Chapter 9

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Ella's POV

Sacrifices are made throughout life. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad.

It comes hand in hand with selflessness and selfishness.
Selflessness came naturally to most and made sacrifices instantly where as to others it took a lot of contemplating.

I already had one foot out the door when I saw that child that I killed unpurposely.

I tried googling 'werewolves' but only myths and insane researchers out in the deep woods in hope to make a discovery, but ended up with no proof besides their crazed thoughts.

Or maybe their thoughts weren't as crazed seeing as what I saw and experienced yesterday.

I began trying to piece together the events from the past 48 hours to make sense of what my life has come to, so I can make an important decision within the next 48 hours.

So, I bumped into a businessman and his extremely hot son. The next day I've been drugged and kidnapped by steroid blondie, aka Kane which I've seen on the train. His big ass always staring at me- oh. Holy fuck they followed me! Those fuckers.

Okay so they definitely did their research on me. Stay calm Ella, at least you know they're not a harm to you. You don't actually know that.
I'm right I don't, but I'm going to hope for the very best they aren't.

Okay so the next day I meet Adrian and find out fucking werewolves are real. Cool cool.

Then the cute boy with the warmest brown eyes and smile shifted into a freakin wolf in front me of me. The imagine of him shifting is fresh in my mind and hard to forget. Ugh the echoing sound of his bones cracking in my head makes me shiver.

Let's not forget that Alpha Adrian tells me his pack needs me from falling. The 'Moon Goddess' told him that I was the only one to stop his pack from falling into a depression phase. They would fail entirely, no newborns, and they'd be weak.

Part of me says it's not my problem while the other part says it is my fault for these people suffering. I could prevent it somehow.

Somehow? I'm incredibly confused by how I contribute to this or how can I even help them or why I'm even involved.

These questions circled my mind, I become to feel overwhelmed with the the thoughts and questions knocking around my brain all jumbled up.

Adrian said they had theories so maybe they could figure it out. Or are they withholding information from me?

Flashbacks from yesterday are coming back in pieces, I'm still shocked. It feels like a dream but as much as I want to push it aside and ignore it like I do with everything else, I know peoples lives are pending on this.

Okay let's sum it up.
Adrian said he had a dream where The Moon Goddess spoke to him which is known as their god. He saw me and heard my name, and she said if I'm not within his land and home his empire will crash.
This sounds so fucking crazy. They would send me to a mental hospital if I told anyone this.
Or Adrian would send me to my death bed.
He was intimating for sure.

I wasn't sure what to do. My entire life has been here, grown and raised in New York. How will life be like there? Especially since it'll only be me. My parents nor any friends will be there. It's like starting over on my own or like a mini before college experience of how college and real world will be like once I get on my own two feet.

"Ella!" My moms stern voice echoed into my room. I immediately jumped up from my bed and went into the living room.

"Ya ma?" I answered carefully not knowing what mood she's in.

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