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Officially Completed: 6/12/18
Happy festa loves💕 5 years with our boys wow.

That morning when Jungkook woke up, his heart was heavy

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That morning when Jungkook woke up, his heart was heavy. He went the whole night without having another dream, but that didn't change the fact he missed Taehyung greatly. He knew that sometimes in order to keep the one you love happy, sometimes you have to risk your own happiness. The boy had no idea that he was stringing Taehyung through hell too. Jungkook gets up to use the bathroom and cleans up before heading back to his room.

The moment Taehyung's body was awake, he got up out of his own bed. He felt as if he had given his boyfriend enough space. It was driving him crazy not knowing what was wrong or how to fix it. It even caused him to be woken up a total of three times in the night.

Not talking was suppose be something they never do in their relationship. Taehyung missed his boyfriend in his arms. All he wanted to do this morning was spend it with Jungkook, having one of their conversations as they cuddled before going through the rest of their day. To Taehyung their relationship was still fresh, he didn't want to lose him already. Before going to Jungkook's room
Taehyung wanted to make himself look presentable before seeing his boyfriend.

Taehyung didn't even think about whether or not the younger man was asleep before opening his door and letting himself in. Jungkook's eyes darted towards the male, them catching eyes.

Taehyung took a cautious step towards Jungkook, not knowing what to do. The older man didn't have a clue on what he was going to say. The only thought running through his mind was that he had to see Jungkook.

Jungkook sits up in bed, waiting for Taehyung to say something. Noticing how the older man was practically frozen, Jungkook says, "You can sit down." His voice was drained, and Taehyung noticed figuring that his baby had had a restless night as well. The older sits down in front of his boyfriend finally asking the question that had him up the night before. "What did I do?" This question caused another weight to be added to Jungkook's already heavy heart.

Taehyung's voice had sounded so broken and he despised it.
"What?" Jungkook didn't understand why Taehyung was asking that question. His mind had convinced him that him being apart from Taehyung made him happy.

"I must've done something horrible to upset you. You slept in your own bed for God's sake. Are you scared of me?" Jungkook finally began to understand that he let his thoughts get the better of him.
"No," was all Jungkook could answer as the more he thought about it the more embarrassed and blue he became.

"Kookie please talk to me. I'm—I'm so worried about you." Taehyung reaches and grabs his boyfriends hand, lacing their fingers together. Jungkook felt ashamed that he upset the both of them, everything he did felt so foolish. Which made him question whether or not it was okay to tell Taehyung. Jungkook didn't want him to be angry with him for overreacting.

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