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A/n: see I told you soon ;))
Officially Completed: 2/10/19

A/n: see I told you soon ;))◍|FOURTY-THREE|◍Unpredictable Officially Completed: 2/10/19

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Hoseok is the first to wake up that morning. He hasn't opened his eyes, but he could guess that the only thing that could've woken him up was a person.
The man had just draped an arm around him, and attempted to pull him closer.
When he opens his eyes he discovered that person was Baekhyun. The elder man was cuddling into him. Hoseok's heart practically melts at the sight, he wouldn't even risk getting up right at this moment. Even if he does have to pee- luckily he didn't have to go that bad.

Thoughts about the night before began to flood his brain, and all of the sudden, a wave mixed with regret and happiness crashed against him. He's certain he likes Baekhyun. This man could make Hoseoks heart race with one little look, but he's not over Namjoon completely either. Hoseok began to run his fingers through the elders hair gently. He wondered what would happen when Baekhyun woke up. Would he run out? Would he be disgusted? Would he still like him?

Baekhyun slept for about another thirty minutes, then he was up too. He feels himself against someone's chest, he knows exactly who it is. There's only one person it could be, with him being the only available person in the house.
"Uh good morning?" He attempts to open his eyes all the way but he ends up squinting at the light. "Morning! Sleep good?" Hoseok's voice was hushed yet energetic. "Yeah really good! You?" Baekhyun jokingly mocks the younger's tone, "Okay! I slept okay."

"That's good, I hope I was comfortable," Hoseok chuckled teasingly, causing Baekyun to push him playfully. It was silent for a moment as Baekhyun thought. Last nights events coming to him, "So we had sex.." he whispers mostly to himself, it seeming more real that he had said it out loud. Baekhyun sits up, his face scrunching up as he winced. His muscles were sore, he hadn't had been with a man in so long. Silence continued to fill the room as both men thought, Hoseok begins to rub Baekhyun's lower back soothingly hoping to give him a little comfort.

Hoseok just couldn't help but think that this isn't how he wanted to do things with Baekhyun. He wanted to be sweet and gentle, and actually date first before they did anything like this. He feels ashamed that he let his lower head to the thinking for him. Baekhyun on another end, was curious to know where they stood in their relationship.

He was reluctant to speak, but did so anyway, "Hoseok.."
"Yes beautiful?" A light blush dusts over the elders cheeks at Hoseok's sugar words and tone. "What are we doing? Where do we stand?" He asks turning his head towards the copper haired mans window, he stared at it waiting for the younger's answer.
Hoseok sighs before sitting up too so he and Baekhyun could be face to face. He reached over softly placing a finger underneath Baekhyun's chin, before gently pulling the elders head towards him to make him look him in the eyes. "Baek, this isn't how I wanted us to start out," he admits rubbing his eyes as he battled to get the next part out. He didn't want to upset him.

Beakhyun noticed this. It caused his heart to drop and his stomach to turn. He didn't even have the slightest idea on what Hoseok was about to say to him, but he felt that it wasn't going to be good. With a shaky breath he says, "What is it? You can tell me.."

"I have feelings for Joon.. I have since before Jin and him got together.." From that point on Hoseok explained everything that happened. He did exactly what he wanted; to be completely and utterly honest with Baekhyun.

"That was sweet of you to do, Hoseok." Baekhyun actually felt a little sorry for Hoseok. I mean, just imagine letting your feelings for someone grow for so long thinking you might have a chance with them. Then the next day that someone is kissing your best friend. Hoseok smiles, "Thanks, I'd rather it be him than me he deserves it..." he looks down at his lap, before looking back at the elder man to explain his reasoning, " I tell you all of this, is because I want you to understand that I want to completely be over him. Just so I can give you all my love and attention."

Baekhyun nods, "I get it.. so you like me but you wanna wait until you're fully over Namjoon?"
"That's it love."
"I guess I'm okay with that," Baekhyun leans in and presses a kiss to Hoseok's lips gently. "You're sure?" The younger glanced at Baekhyuns lips then back up at his eyes. "Mhm..." Baekhyun kisses him again. "If you're sure.." Hoseok leaned in to kiss him but Baekhyun turned his head, causing the younger to get his cheek instead.

Baekhyun began to make moves to get off the bed. "Well I guess I'd better be going back to my room-"
"Get back here," Baekhyun was pulled back and thrown down on the bed, as both of them were laughing. This time when he kissed Baekhyun, Hoseok left his lips on his. The blonde snakes his arms around Hoseok's neck, and tilts his head to kiss him deeply.


Jimin was brushing his teeth in mirror when Yoongi wrapped his arms around his waist. "Good morning," Yoongi says kissing Jimin's clothed shoulder. "Morning," Jimin mumbled leaning forward and spitting out his tooth paste. "How'd you sleep baby?" The elder asks once Jimin stands up straight again. "I slept good- well after the noise from both sides calmed down," he chuckles, "and you?" He smiles hugging Yoongis arms back and then turning his head to kiss his cheek.

Yoongi laughs just a little, he couldn't help himself. "Just fine since you were next to me."
Jimin turns in Yoongi's arms and leans in to kiss him gently. Yoongi is the first to pull away saying in a joking manner, "Alright get your cute ass out of here I've gotta pee."

Jimin rolls his eyes with a small giggle before he walks out of the bathroom. Thinking of what they could do for the day, he walks over to the window and looks out to get some ideas. Once he hears Yoongi walking out the bathroom, as he walks over to him he says, "I think Im gonna try and get a little sun today, wanna come with?"
"Yeah but first.." Yoongi scoops Jimin into his arms, causing the younger man to make a small cute noise as he held onto his boyfriend. Jimin couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he was taken back to bed. "I want to lay in bed with you for another hour or so..."

Jimin moves over so Yoongi can get in, and once Yoongi was in next to him, he pulled his cute boyfriend into him; wrapping an arm around him and kissing his head gently. "My angel," the elder said, lightly tightening his arms around the smaller one. Jimin's cheeks heat up at his words. It's in times like this he wishes so bad that he could tell Yoongi that he loves him but he can't. He knows that his boyfriend isn't ready for those words, and he would absolutely hate it if Yoongi distanced himself because of it.

"And you're my demon," Jimin with a smile dancing on his lips looks up at his boyfriend. Yoongi playfully gasps, "Im a demon??"
"Yes your dangerous!" Yoongi raises an eyebrow at Jimin's words. "How am I dangerous?" The boy looks away shying away at the question. This intrigued his mint haired boyfriend more, "What is it??"
Jimin shakes his head a noticeable blush on his cheeks. "Its nothing forget I said it," he says pushing the subject away in what Yoongi thought was one of the cutest ways.

"You're being quiet and cute, so now I wanna know." Yoongi teases, reaching down to touch his boyfriends nose softly. "I-I," he stutters, "Your lips are just.. dangerous.." he trails off. This time, the man raises both of his eyebrows, "Oh? What about them is so dangerous?" Jimin puts a hand over Yoongi's mouth smiling, it was clear he had a blush on his cheeks.
"Shhh exactly that!" He giggles, "No more out of you!" The elder smiles and wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, he muffles behind Jimin's hand, "My lips are dangerous huh?" The younger could still understand his words though, so he says it being followed by a laugh, "Shut up!"

Once the mint haired man was silent, the blonde began pulling his hand away slowly. Once his boyfriend takes one breath Jimin's hand had took its place again, thinking the elder was going to say something. Yoongi pulls the other's hand away from his mouth, holding it before pressing a soft kiss to it. "I wasn't even gonna say anything that time," he chuckles kissing it again. "You're unpredictable Mr. Min."

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