| Chapter 13 : Comfortable Silence |

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It was quiet as we drove on the road in darkness.
Kyungsoo having fallen asleep and chanyeol was just quietly sitting in the back .

Whenever I had a peak at him through the mirror I would see him watching the tress from the outside .

His bruised eye was almost completely healed since we werewolf heal faster than humans.
Doesn't mean we feel less pain tho. Creating that bruise must've hurt I know and it did leave me guilty in a way .chanyeol was like a brother to me .
,, chanyeol " I called him carefully .

His eyes turned to look at me from the mirror but when I shared eye contact his quickly adverted from mind again .
,, look, chabyeol... "

,, it's ok I got it .. you were just protecting your little preggy princess "
I sighed at that looking back onto the road

,, if you knew you would understand .."

,, knew what ? " he muttered annoyed .

,, him " I looked to my side to see kyungsoo asleep his head hanging slightly down to the side, Pointed to me, A blanket and my jacket over him yet he still seemed to shiver a little even tho I've turned the heaters already on.
,, I don't want to know him "

I looked back up to see him through the mirror always having a peak on the road .in between tho .
,, Why "

,, because i don't like him! "

,, I know but I don't know why " my eyes glew red for a sec forcefully mentaining the rage just because of how obvious it seemed to him before I blinked it away again. Kyungsoo was a kind beautiful person i will never understand how people would be able to hate him

,, he's weak .. he's making you and all of us weak " he grumbled looking back outside .

,, you think he's weak "
He nodded
,, because he's human "
He nodded again
,, humans compared to wolf's are weak "
Once more he nodded frowning stronger in annoyance.

,, kyungsoo is weak compared to the wolfs that were killed by him "

He was quiet now as if I had slapped him across his face with reality when he had woken up from a dream
,, tell me chanyeol .. do you think the other wolf's before those 3 thought the same way..
What about krystal and myungsoo who he protected despite his state ,and they are if i might add both wolf's "

He looked down with a slowly fading frown now probably thinking of a way to come back but not beinh able to. so I swollowed looking onto kyungsoo and then back at him for a sec before turning to the streets again
,, can you hand me another blanket ?"

Without saying anything chanyeol had reached behind himself and went through a few bags. pulling a Blue Blanket out and handing it me . I took it, always Keeping and Eye out for the road as i Threw it over his shivering form .

,, what did you mean when you said the other wolfs before those 3?" Chanyeol suddenly asked me and
I stayed Quiet Not entierly Sure how to answer this, not sure if it was right for me to be even scratching this topic.

,, there's a lot you don't know about kyungsoo .. " I sighed shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

,, no shit, none of the pack does because you bearly talk about him other than oh he's so kind and beautiful and perfect " he grumbled loudly and I growled at him not only for his lack of respect but also because he was making kyungsoo stir a little .

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