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As I rode home on my bike. I thought about how Bev had said she liked Bill and what she saw in him. I mean I liked Bill as a friend and that was it. I got home and put my bike into the garage and went inside.

As I was taking off my shoes, my mom can down stairs looking very worried as heck. "Y/N!!! Where have you been?" " oh just at Beverly's!" "Well next time Y/N call me and tell me ok?" "Ok mom", I said half sad and half happy. " I love you so much Y/N!" "I love you too mom."

Then we hugged for a good 5 minuets. "I,m getting really tired, can I please go to bed now?" "Of course Y/N." So I ran up stairs and plopped myself onto my nice warm bed. I soon drifted off into a nice sleep.

The next day...

"Wake up Y/N you have school today, it's Monday!" I sighted and got out of bed and did my normal routine. But i felt as if I wanted to kinda impress Richie somehow. So since it was nice and warm out, I put on a pair of jean shorts and a very cute T-shirt.

After saying bye to mom I quickly grabbed my bike and rode off to school. When I got to school I quickly put my bike on the bike rack and ran inside.

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