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Then thankfully I got to class on time and made my way to my seat. A few seconds after I sat down. Richie made a comment, " hey cutie and like the outfit!"

He said with a smirk on his face. I got chills down my spine and just said "thanks Richie." I was so happy that my little plan had worked and it also made my day. In gym we were playing dodgeball. I was pretty good at it saying I dodged most of the balls. 

After dodging a few balls. I heard a "ow" and it was no surprise that it was indeed Richie Tozier. He had just got hit in the head by a very fast dodgeball. I felt a little bit of pain rush to my heart and so I quickly ran up to where he was laying/sitting and asked "OMG Richie are you ok"? " yeah, I think so hotshot."

I loved the names he gave me. So I helped him up and picked up his broken glasses and said "sorry about your glasses Rich."

Richie's POV:

So she helped me up and picked up my now broken glasses and I just sighed. Then she said "sorry about your glasses Rich". Did Y\N just call me RICH!!! I didn't want to make a scene so I just said "it's fine I guess I will have to save up for new ones!" And just sighed again.

Y\N's POV:

Then he said "it's fine I guess I will have to save up for new ones!" He said with a very sad sigh. "Can't your parents buy you new ones?" "No, my parents would rather spend there money on drinking."

I felt heart broken and I had to do something about it cause I couldn't just leave the poor kid here who can barely see. "Hey, what if you and I go to the store and buy you new ones?" I asked getting really excited. "But I don't have any money doll face." "No, silly IM paying for them." "Really princess, you would do that for me?" He said with the sweetest voice ever!!!

I wanted to say of course but that would be too weird. So I just said "yeah sure anytime." "Meet me by the big tree out by the front of the school OK?" I asked. "You got it princess." He said with a wink. When I was done at my locker I walked out of school very slowly because there was a lot of kids racing to get home as fast as they could.

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