The Quest: Chapter 38

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Gimli drank a hefty amount of ale and passed out at the end of the table as Alannah and Arwen carried on their conversations. The loud snoring from the sleeping dwarf prompted Arwen to finally stand up and look towards the door, knowing their husbands would be some time before returning from their talk.

"Would you care to join me for a swim? There is a private pool just off one of our private balconies." Arwen kindly offered. Alannah pulled the napkin from her lap and laid it on the table before rising, nodding politely to accept the offer.

Arwen lead Alannah to her and Aragorn's private chambers, large and lavish as would be suitable for a king and queen. They stepped outside onto a large balcony and walked down some stairs that lead to another balcony with the swimming pool. The walls surrounding it were high, insuring their privacy.

The two quickly stripped down to their chemise they wore under their dresses. Arwen took their gowns and hung them over the stairs banister as Alannah slowly inched herself into the cool water. Alannah could smell the early summer breeze as she wafted in the pool, promises of long walks in the forest and napping amongst the grass bringing a smile to her face.

"How do you like your new home in the Woodland Realm? I'm sure it has been an adjustment for you." Arwen asked softly. Alannah nodded her head as she tried to answer both truthfully and happily.

"It has been an adjustment but one most welcome. Legolas makes me very happy." Alannah answered. Arwen stepped into the water with Alannah and as she waded deeper in the pool, the fabric of her chemise clung to her revealing the slightest plump of her abdomen.

"I am with child. I believe our child will come late winter or early spring." Arwen smiled as she gently traced a finger over her belly, her love for the small child already evident on her face.

"I'm so happy for you, Arwen. Somehow Legolas already knew." Alannah replied, hoping Arwen would give her a more detailed answer as to how he knew.

"I'm sure he did." Arwen laughed. "He has amazing hearing, perhaps he heard an extra heartbeat in the room when the two of you walked in."

Alannah blinked her eyes a couple times, amazed at how sensitive his hearing was. She knew he could hear her whispers amongst other things but to be able to do that was astonishing to Alannah. The sounds of footsteps inside the king's quarters could be heard as Alannah sunk herself lower into the pool, and she was quickly reminded of who had not yet come to greet her upon their arrival.

"Where is Gandalf? I haven't seen him since we rode in." Alannah asked worriedly. Arwen pulled her hair back, so it wouldn't get wet and leaned against the wall at the pool's edge.

"He has been in Ithilien for the past couple of days giving some council to Faramir. Aragorn has given him princedom over those lands." She explained. "However, he should be back here by morning."

"I leave the two of you alone for mere moments and you're swimming?" Aragorn joked as he and Legolas walked onto the balcony above them. Arwen and Alannah looked up, smiling and waving at their husbands.

"I should go with Legolas, get ready for bed. I will see you in the morning?" Alannah asked as she pulled herself out of the pool.

"Of course. We will talk more tomorrow." Arwen answered, smiling as her friend grabbed her dress and walked inside, leaving wet footprints behind.


A knock on the door early the next morning jolted Alannah and Legolas out of a sound sleep. Alannah quickly put on her robe while Legolas pulled on his pants and tunic before opening the door to see who the early morning visitor was.

The QuestOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora