-Journey Together-

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As soon as we entered the room, the door shut behind us. Link and I turned, clawing at the bars. "Locked," He hissed and looked around. We walked forward into the ring of totem poles and a rock. "What is this place?" I asked softly, hearing drums. "I think we're about to find out." Link said as we backed up into each other. We heard a thud above us, and a loud shriek. A large white furred monkey stood atop the rock with a large boomerang. Link and I jumped back, peering up at the monster. He seemed to have some sort of mask on him. He leaped across to a totem pole and it shook a bit. The monkey threw his boomerang at us, I leaned away as Link ran at the totem pole. "Link!" I called watching the boomerang rush at him. Link turned to look at me before running into it.

The monkey, Ook, was hit by his own boomerang and fell to the ground. We rushed over and blinked. "Hit his butt." Link said stiffly as we began to slice at it. Ook got up screaming before climbing onto a totem pole and throwing his boomerang again. I hit him down this time and Link took quick action in slicing at his ass. A bug fell off his face and he sat up, looked around and promptly ran away. Link and I laughed softly before he looked over finding the boomerang. "We could use thi—" the boomerang flew up and around the arena.

The wind blew my skirt and hair around before levitating in front of Link. "I am the fairy of the winds, now that I am no longer in the hands of evil you may use me and my power of the wind." It dropped in his hand and Link smiled. "That's awesome," He said and looked around before spotting a propeller. He aimed it and a mini tornado followed the boomerang to its destination. The boomerang came back but the gust of wind stayed. The gate on the door lifted and we exited out. "The bridge is out of the question, but they aren't." Link said to some wind bridges. We crossed and found a monkey in a cage. "I guess there are more monkeys we need to save," Midna said. "Let's rescue them all and see what we get in return!" She vanished. I laughed and looked at Link. "She's pretty greedy." Link smiled and stretched looking out at the night sky. "I guess. Would you like to go to sleep (Y/n)?" Before Link said that I wouldn't never noticed I was tired, but my body sagged as though it was answer enough. "Yeah," I said smiling. "I guess." With the remains of the cage Link and I created a fire, finding the air still as it crackled.

We sat across from each other, quietly staring into the flames. "So, (Y/n).. have you had any other revelations on your past?" I shook my head softly and sighed. "It was a sad place." I whispered. "Whenever I think of it, it was sad. A lot of people went crazy too." I murmured and looked at him. "I know this because whenever I think about the few memories I've gotten back, I have this feeling in the back of my head. It's such a pressing weight on me and it's always there." I whispered hugging myself tightly. My head pounded and I grabbed my hair.

"My ancestors were horrible people." I whispered looking up at Link, his eyes widened. "They killed many, murdering entire towns." I said to Link. "Where I live is a place where the worst of the worst were banished, people were killed for so long. Soon it all faded out, but sadness was everywhere. We were ruled by calm advisors who saw the light in us. All my life I know I've been taught to fear. Fear was everywhere. After fear came sadness. Sadness brought peace, fear brought anger and madness. My best friend is mad." I looked up to Link with wide eyes, tears welling up. "He went mad. I could've saved him." Link quickly ran across to me.

I began to sob, Link hugging me tightly. He hushed me to sleep. I fell asleep in his arms, tears streamed down my face.

As (Y/n) fell asleep Link noticed her pendant was glowing dimly in the dark. He realized it was in beat with her heart and felt it. The pendant itself was beautiful, emerald and onyx carved in patterns. It was warm on his hand, he felt a bit sad while looking at it. Link found his fingers felt funny with it, he pulled away and found them more calloused than they were. Link laid (Y/n) down and noticed a horrifying thing. (Y/n) seemed to clutch the hilt of her sword in her sleep as well as the pendant. Link slowly reached out for the pendant, but (Y/n) rolled away. Link smiled softly and laid back looking up at the stars. He closed his eyes and fell asleep soundly.

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