-Sudden Doubts-

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I stiffened and felt the control over my body weaken. 'Let me help (Y/n).' I blinked as my arms lowered, I backed up and began to run. I cried out in pain, my leg in agony. My arms rose and I shot down the spider. It landed beside Link as he took control of the next statue, crushing the spider again. '(Y/n), I have my own sort of dominion rod. I haven't had the chance to use it properly yet. This is my first attempt, and might I say, it's going well.' I gasped for air, my body beginning to tire from sprinting for so long.

'Ah, I forget. You're not very strong in the cardiovascular area. I apologize. I'll see you soon, (Y/n).' The voice vanished, my control was back. I stumbled and collapsed on the stone ground. I quickly gathered myself enough to grab my bow and shoot the spider. It was crushed once more, finally dying. I laughed and dropped back down to the floor. I stared up at the ceiling with a sigh. After a moment I heard Link groan in disgust and a loud squeal.

"It's dead," Link announced walking over to me sheathing his sword. "What happened there, (Y/n)?" He asked helping me up. I grunted as pain shot through my leg putting weight on it. "You ran." Link said sternly. "You shouldn't run on your leg." I sighed and collected my bow off the ground. "I didn't want to run. I was controlled. By Rocky I think." Link sighed and bit his lip. "Is that a good thing?" He asked me slowly as I looked over myself.

I sighed and shrugged. "I really don't know. We can't know until something bad happens. For now, let's just tuck it in the back of our minds." I smiled and turned, walking towards the next piece of mirror. Midna, however, leaped from Link's shadow gleefully. "Three of the mirror shards are ours!" Midna said grabbing ahold of it. "And..." Midna turned to me with fear in her eyes. "You say that Rocky took control of you?" She asked quietly.

"Well, he said he had a dominion rod of his own. I don't know what that necessarily means, but I don't think we need to worry." I said smiling softly, Midna nodded slowly before sighing. "Alright. Just one piece left! Link, (Y/n)... you saw how nasty that monster was, right?" I shuddered and Link sighed tiredly. "Yeah. I saw, it almost killed me with its laser eye." He said and smiled at me. "I can still feel it's legs touching me." I grunted shivering. Link laughed and kissed me softly. I smiled and looked back at Midna.

"The evil within the shards are more powerful than you can imagine! You know we could be assembling something truly terrible here. It could be something that we'll ultimately have to destroy." And with that Midna stared at Link. His face became solemn suddenly. I frowned and looked between them. "Hey, is there like... a secret conversation we're having in our minds? Because I'm not getting it." I said laughing sheepishly. Link sighed and smiled at me. "It's nothing (Y/n). It's just we have one more piece to get. Then we'll defeat Zant and... find your people." I perked up and took his hand. "Sounds amazing."

We left holding hands. As soon as we left, Ooccoo stood outside with her son. "Well done, adventurers! I see what I was looking for. It's the dominion rod you found in the temple! It's been around for quite some time, the Magic has been exhausted! What am I to do? I thought at last I could return to the sky... I have forgotten the spell that would once again bestow it magic. I suppose I'll have to look for statues that respond to the rod... that's what we'll do! Goodbye!" With all of her fast chirping, it was hard to know what she was saying. But as soon as she left the dominion rod seemed to have lost its power.

Midna angrily leaped out of Link's shadow in a frenzy. "HEY! Wait! What the hell did you do to the dominion rod?" Midna snarled into the empty air before turning to us. "Great! Now that's a useless piece of junk. But... if we restore the rod we can get to the sky!" She said gleefully. "The Sky is the next place we need to go." Midna said determined. Link looked up and laughed softly. "I'm kinda scared of heights." He admitted. I laughed and gently pushed him.

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