-Spider Leg-

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Link and I wandered back into a large room with a circle in the middle. It had golden metal bars and an electric mechanism blocking it off. I held out my bow, arrow ready to fire as we creeped up towards it. There, crawling around inside were disgusting spiders. I shuddered and backed up. "Let's find a different way in."
I said slowly releasing the tension and looking around. "Up the staircase then we go." Link said as I put away my arrow. I followed behind. I could subconsciously feel those spiders crawling up my body.

With that feeling on my back I decided to press on and follow Link. He used his spinner to get across a gap and ended up having to hold onto me. Link shared a quick cheeky kiss with me before we got off of the spinner. We continued to the top of the steps, finding a chained door. I looked to the other side and pointed. "There." I said firmly. "We go through there, I believe it should be there." Link nodded and we went around, dodging the spikes flying towards us. We got to it and found the platform was too tall, but there were two pressure plates beside us. "Let's find something to put here."

After a while of wandering around and figuring out what we were doing, Link and I found the key. We quickly ran into the locked room only to find... spiders. They crawled about the floor, their singular eye creeped me out. All at once they ambushed Link and I. I got my sword and just began to mow those bitches down. "I hate bugs. I hate bugs." I kept repeating while murdering them. Link, on the other hand, was laughing and watching me. I glared at him. "Come and help me!" I snarled kicking one at him. Well, I attempted to anyway. It clung against my leg tightly when I went to kick it. I screamed and began to wave my leg around wildly, in a blur of fear and panicked tears I got out my bow.

Blinded by fear of the spider on my leg, the fact that it was going numb from fear, and the fact that I had weapons it was no wonder I pulled my bow and shot. Now, I did not consider however that as soon as I shot the spider, the arrow goes deeper. That spider had connected itself to my leg and I had now successfully kebabed it and my leg.

As soon as I shot my leg I screamed and dropped down. "(Y/n)!" Link scurried over to me as the spider died on me. "Oh my goddess!" He was laughing, but worried and I didn't blame him. Although, I was screaming from pain. "You absolute idiot if you would've helped me this wouldn't have happened! Link get it out get it out!" I screamed, Link looked at me before sighing. "I'm sorry (Y/n)." He said pulling his sword. "No!" I screamed. "Don't fucking cut it off!" I snarled and before I knew it Link had jabbed the hilt of his sword into my temple. I went out cold.

Now, this wasn't domestic abuse. Link reasoned as (Y/n) lay on the floor with a bruise forming at her temple. Guilt washed over him as he cut away her boot to get to the wound. It was simply getting her quiet enough for him to think. He realized her blood wasn't as crimson as his was. It was more of a black color, though it could be from the spider dead on the arrow as well. Link grunted and finally cut away the rest of the boot. He frowned and cut off a portion of the arrow before slowly pulling out the other half the rest of the way. (Y/n) grunted in her unconscious state as her leg bled out. Link was gagging, the smell of the dead spider and then her leg mixing. It was disgusting.

Link pulled out some gauze and a red potion. He quickly dumped the red potion on her wounds before immediately sealing it up. He could see what looked like the burning of flesh from the red potion, but he hoped it was only the bacteria. He hoped anyway. Link sighed to himself and looked to see (Y/n)'s boot magically repairing itself. Maybe Zant was using his magic to make sure her attire was always up to par. It explained why half of her gown wasn't torn to shreds yet, which on the side of being her boyfriend it didn't reveal anything and the other side of being her boyfriend it didn't reveal anything.

The only thing it did reveal was how muscular she's gotten since embarking on this journey. It's been a few months at least, her arms were definitely toned. Her stomach still showed she ate well, her legs were perfect as always and the two were always dirty. That's okay though, Link was never too picky about women. He hasn't known many truthfully but he believes every woman is beautiful in her own way, and that a woman is a woman no matter what.

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