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"I don't think so!"


She was on the damp concrete, some of it had smudged into her face disgustingly, and that loud bang was still echoing in her head. A hand was on her back holding her down with an arm half around her as a protector.

Breathing wasn't even on her mind, breathing normally was totally out of the question anyways. Her eyes fled from the cold concrete and followed the arm to its owner, Griffin. He looks just as flushed as she feels. He's still breathing and unharmed thankfully.

"So you do still like me then? Huh, who would've guessed." Dallas says with long breaths in between words.

Griffin rolls his eyes, "No reason to let you die, right?"

There's dialogue behind them, their attacker is being attacked. She looks over her shoulder and can hardly see anything, but there's two people fighting, the weapon of the night has been thrown away from the brawl. The second man–woman?– fighting with a mask on.

"Attacking people is against the law Mister Criminal!" Another punch, and the attacker goes down, slumped against a dumpster.

Dallas and Griffin both help each other up off the ground, stood in disbelief that this whole situation even occurred.

The savior of the night is barely visible in the shadows, but it looks like they're breathing as deeply and heavy as She and Griffin. Dallas watches as the person leans down and whispers something to the criminal, and stands back up after finally realizing the people they saved are still there. It probably doesn't happen a lot.

"Oh, I got him, you guys can go home now!" They gesture between the criminal and Dallas and Griffin.

"Well, uh thank you for helping us." Dallas tells them.

Hands find their way onto the persons hips, almost cocky, "Anytime, I could've done a few hits better, I'm still getting used to this whole thing, but I think it was pretty okay if I do say so myself—"

"Spidey move it on, we don't have all night." A disembodied voice says from above.

Oh, Dallas is getting sick of random voices belonging to people she can't actually see. She'd have to figure out a way to seek these incredible skillful hiders in the future.

"I know I know, I'm coming." Spidey? Says, he jumps higher than humanly possible and lands on the wall with his fingers keeping him up–actually lands on the wall!–and crawls up the side of it and onto a roof top.

"Who even was that dude?" Griffin wonders aloud, and away from Dallas.

Dallas shrugs. Apparently that dude heard him though.

"Spider-Man! T-That's me." He says, and a moment later a loud Yelp is heard. "At least It's not as bad as Daredevil."

That's the last they heard of their hero of the night, Dallas had a feeling that she'd be seeing more of the Spider-Man hero around in the future.

"We almost just died." Griffin points out, as if the last ten minutes had suddenly been wiped from Dallas' mind.

"Yeah, you can say that again." Dallas breathes.

"We almost just died." He repeats.

She shakes her head.

"Let's just...go back to the car and call it a night. Come on." Dallas starts moving down the alley, slower awaiting Griffin to come up next to her. He stays planted. She stops and eyes him.

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