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five weeks later

"You've got it, just one at a time."

"I know how to walk." She snaps.

"Doesn't look like it."

"I'm going to beat you if you say one more word."

"Do it then, show me you can."

Dallas curses under her breath, glaring at Cooper waiting for her just out of reach. When she steps forward he steps back. They've been doing this for weeks, getting her back in the groove of daily life activities.

They told her she was out for almost three weeks. A lot of muscle went unused even with all the stretching they did while she was unconscious. So, for the first week she got used to eating and drinking again on her own, and now in week two walking and gaining her strength back.

"You're such an asshole." She says.

"Nothing I haven't heard before." Cooper laughs. "Now, come on! I'm waiting."

Dallas staggers forward, trying to go faster than she was capable. Her left leg goes weak and she falls to the floor. She sighs, frustrated, they'd been doing this for days now and still nothing, the same result each time, she lets her head drop and allows herself to breakdown.

"Come on, kid, don't do that." Cooper says.

Dallas shakes her head back and forth.

"I'm never going to be normal again, I can't do it." She cries. "How did this even happen to me, Coop?"

Cooper takes a seat by Dallas, his legs crossed, passive.

"I already told you." he says.

"Yeah well, it don't make any sense. I'm fucked up, and I cant remember anything past the hospital." She snivels.

"You had an accident." He says.

The anxiousness that swells across her chest, taking her breath away and causing shakes tells her that's true. The fear of being in the car, the rolling. Then nothing.

It all came to her in flashes, at random times, no telling when it'd happen. But that was all, it was blurry. She could remember the crash, but not when it took place, the time, nothing like that. It all came up blank.

Everything was blank after falling asleep in the hospital waiting for Coopers results.

So much time, lost.

So was...

"Griffin died." Cooper says, "You killed him."

Dallas hears the mans footsteps leave the room, the door slams after him. She's left there on the ground, a mess, and alone.

nine weeks later

Dallas strides into the common area of the house, Ivy, Zeke, and Web all sitting around some random snack conversing.

"Anyone see Cooper anywhere?" She asks.

"Nope sorry, Dallas." Web answers.

"Ah," She says, "Okay."

Dallas goes to leave when the back of her jacket is grabbed and she's yanked back by Zeke.

"Don't be late to training again." He mutters, before pushing her back in the direction she was going.

Midnight Racer-Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now