After The Adoption

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Chapter 1


The Ceiling



I stared at the ceiling. It was completely white, plain and boring, just like my life. I was put into foster care when I was a baby; my real parents had died in a car crash, leaving me with no family. I’ve been in foster care for 15 years now, ever since I was two. I guess I am just destined to be in foster care until I turn 18. I sighed and looked back up to the ceiling. I dunno why I was so fascinated by it, maybe because it reflected my life so well; miserable, plain and boring. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.                                                                           

 “Come in!” I yelled, too lazy to get up.                                                                                                              

 “Renesmee, there is someone here who wants to see you,” Zoe said, poking her head into my room. I sat up slowly, pushing my bronze curls out of my eyes. Zoe looked at me, her hazel eyes filled with excitement. I wonder what she’s so excited about. Zoe was my social worker, the tenth one in the last five years. It wasn’t like I was a problem child, it’s just that no one wants to adopt teenager besides pimps and various others. They kept thinking that giving me a new social worker would get my adopted, but that obviously didn’t work.                                       

 “Why would someone want to see me?’ I asked, getting up from the bed and walking towards the door.                                                                                                                                    

 “I don’t know, they said they wanted to adopt a girl between the ages of 15-17,” she smiled, obviously pleased with herself that she may get me adopted.                                                                   

 “They wouldn’t want me,” I sighed. No one wants me. Zoe pulled me into a hug, which was kinda awkward since she was shorter me.                                                                                                                                  

 “Don’t worry kiddo; I'm sure they’ll love you.”


We were sitting in a small waiting room, waiting for Zoe to return with a possible adoptee. Carlisle was sitting next to me, reading a magazine on wildlife. I was too excited to meet our future daughter to read. I knew she was going to be absolutely beautiful. Zoe said the poor child had been in foster care all her life. It must have been horrible; she must feel like no one wants her. Well I intend to give her a nice home and a loving family. I hope she likes her room, it has a lovely view of the forest, it’s mostly white, I don’t know what colour she likes. I hope she likes shopping, Alice would love a new shopping partner, and poor Bella has to hide every time Alice wants to go shopping. Maybe she likes to play video games as well; Emmett would love a new gaming partner.                                                                           

Suddenly the door opened and Zoe walked in, followed by a rather tall girl with curly bronze hair and chocolate brown eyes. She reminded me somewhat of Bella as she stumbled behind Zoe. She is perfect.


I received quite a shock as I stumbled into the waiting room. The people that wanted to adopt me looked…..nice. The woman smiled at me, she had caramel brown hair and a heart shaped face. The man beside her was busy reading a wildlife magazine. He had bleach blonde hair and pale blue eyes; he was one of those guys who had classic rockstar looks. The woman stood up and held out her hand.                                                                                                

“I'm Esme Cullen, it is so nice to meet you,” she smiled a sweet smile, both her dimples showing.                                                                                                                                                  

“I'm Renesmee, nice too meet you too,” I said, shaking her hand. They seem very nice, but it is kinda strange that they want to adopt a teenager; they looked too young for that. The man beside her smiled warmly and put an arm around her shoulder.                                    

“I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen, but you can call me Carlisle,” he said and I shook his hand as well.                 

“Renesmee the Cullen’s would like to adopt you,” Zoe said and Esme nodded.                      

“We have a lovely home in Forks, and the rest of our children are also adopted.” So they adopted a lot of kids? Maybe Esme couldn’t have kids of her own, that’s why they adopted.                   

“Why don’t we step into my office and discuss this further,” Zoe said holding her office door open and beckoning the Cullen’s inside. I sat down on one of the chairs and picked up the magazine Carlisle was reading, he had left it open on the table. It looks like he was reading an article on kittens. I settled into the chair with the magazine, hoping they would adopt me.


So there you have it, the first chapter. Hope you like it. Questions? Suggestions? Feel free to ask me! Please read and review!



Note: This story was written in 2011 and is on, I am simply republishing it here and making no changes to any of the chapters. 


After The Adoption: A Twilight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now