Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Vinny

Chapter 6

Revenge is a dish best served cold.


When we entered Alice’s room Renesmee and Bella started laughing so hard they were gasping for air. Jasper and Edward started rolling on the floor with laughter. Alice was curled up into ball in front of her closet, rocking back and forth murmuring “my closet is going to open, my closet is going to open.”  The poor girl. Jasper and Edward had spray painted her hair blue and glued on some pointy ears. She looked like a crazy pixie.                                                                                                                                                                             

Suddenly Emmett stormed into the room and Bella and Renesmee laughed harder. His eyebrows were completely gone and his hair was pink. I started rolling on the ground, he looked so silly. He tried to raise an eyebrow, but he had none!

“HA HA HA HA,” I laughed, holding my stomach.   

“We are going to kill all of you,” Emmett hissed.  I just laughed harder.

“Have you looked in the mirror lately?” Jasper gasped. Emmett tried to raise an eyebrow again and all of us burst out laughing again.

“I need to get into my CLOSET!” Alice yelled, jumping up. She started to pull on the doors with all her pixie strength. She turned to Jasper; I swear if looks could kill Jasper would be a dead man. “Where are the KEYS!” she shrieked. 

“WHERE ARE MY FUCKING EYEBROWS?” Emmett yelled. He was looking in the mirror in Alice’s bathroom.  “AND WHY IS MY HAIR PINK?!” Renesmee and Rosalie were hosing themselves.

“I got the tape!”  Edward yelled running into the room. Emmett and Alice exchanged a look and then ran towards him.

“GIVE ME THAT DAMN TAPE EDWARD!” Alice yelled as they ran out of the room.

“Come on lets go help him,” Renesmee laughed as she ran out of the room, the rest of us following her.  Edward had taken the tape out of the camera and he threw it at Renesmee, who caught it and ran up the stairs with Emmett on her tail.

“Rose, catch,” she giggled as Emmett picked her up and threw her over his shoulders.

“That tape will be mine,” he yelled, running towards me.

“Not if I can help it, Jasper catch!” He caught the tape and ran downstairs, heading for the kitchen, I followed him. I skidded to halt behind Jasper; his mouth was hanging open at the sight in front of him and I must say it was the scariest thing I have ever seen.


Standing in front of me was Esme, her hair was in a bun and she had some weird green stuff all over her face. What is this? Return of the Green Faced Mama Bear? Edward was in the corner, laughing so hard he had turned purple. Alice was lying on top of the counter in the fetal position, sucking her thumb.  Esme glared at me and I had to hold my breath otherwise I would have started laughing.

“Get into the corner with your brother,” she hissed and pointed to Edward. She stormed out of the kitchen and started shouting at the rest of them.

“KIDS GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!” she stalked back into the kitchen, hitting Edward on the head to get him to stop laughing.

“Ouch,” he mumbled as the rest of the family shuffled into the kitchen looking guilty.

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