Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Revenge is sweet.


“Hold that thought Edward,” Rosalie whispered as the rest of the Cullens filled the dining room. Alice looked a bit down in the dumps, her hair was plastered to her skull and she was drenched in sweat. Emmett, on the other hand, looked ridicules. It looked like a cow licked him, his hair was so flat. He was wearing a blue robe and he had a pipe in his mouth, when he blew into it, bubbles appeared. The other girl, Bella I presume, had bags under her eyes and she looked downright depressed.  Carlisle looked irritated and Esme was still scowling at Emmett.

“Well father I think we should get this tea party started,” Emmett said in a fake British accent. Carlisle just rolled his eyes and turned to me with an apologetic look on his face.

“I'm sorry you had to meet the family this way, I wish I could say that they weren’t usually so childish, but unfortunately they are,” he scowled at the rest of the Cullen children again.

“We want you all on your best behavior while Renesmee gets settled in, no more crazy stunts,” Esme warned and I saw Emmett wink at Alice.

“We promise mom,” Alice said in a quiet voice. Edward just rolled his eyes and Jasper snorted.

“I’ll be keeping you to that promise Alice. Renesmee, Emmett will be making your bed for the next few days, he will also be washing the dishes and doing the laundry along with Alice,” Esme announced.

“Unfair!” Emmett protested. “Why does Alice only get to do laundry?” 

“Because she wasn’t scuba diving in the bathtub,” Esme snapped and Emmett grinned. “Alice’s credit card will also be taken away,” Esme smirked as Alice’s jaw almost hit the table. Edward and Jasper exchanged a high five and Bella started laughing.

“No more shopping for you baby sis,” Bella laughed and patted her on the back.

“Bu…..buuuu…..tttttt……butttttt,” Alice spluttered.

“No buts young lady, that is final,” Esme said, and then she turned her attention towards the others. “The rest of you are grounded for two weeks, no TV, Wii, Playstation or reading for fun." She raised her eyebrows, daring someone to question her, but they all just nodded. I really liked this place.

“Now we would like you all too formally introduce yourselves to your new sister,” Carlisle said. Alice hopped over to me and gave me a hug.

“Mary Alice Brandon Cullen, but you can call me Alice or Ali.” Edward was next, he stuck out his hand and I shook it.

“Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.” Jasper was next; he gave me a crooked grin and shook my hand.

“Jasper Hale Cullen.” I noticed that all of the Cullen kids kept their original last name, which was strange.

“Rosalie Lillian Hale Cullen,” Rosalie said giving me a warm smile and a hug me.

“Emmett McCarthy Cullen,” Emmett said, grabbing me and pulling me into a bear hug.

“Isabella Marie Cullen,” Bella said shyly.

“Renesmee Carlie Johnson Cullen,” I smiled, liking the sound of my new name.


After the introductions Esme told Renesmee and Bella to go into the kitchen and start on dinner, Bella was a great cook, she was going to make pie.

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