Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Family comes first.



My head was still spinning with my shocking realization when I arrived at home.  All the lights were blazing, and I sensed the tense atmosphere the minute I walked into the house. It was eerily quiet, the only noise coming from a stereo in the back of the house somewhere; it was playing classical piano music. I walked into the living room; everyone was there, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Edward and Bella. They all looked at me when I walked in, eyebrows raised. Rosalie and Emmett were sitting on the loveseat in the corner; Alice was sitting comfortably on Jasper’s lap on the couch. Edward was standing against the far wall of the room, and Bella against the opposite wall. A stony silence hung between the two of them, they were either glaring at each other or looking the other way. Bella looked a million times better than she did this morning, her hair had been washed and was now hanging in soft ringlets down her back, she had covered up the bruise with make-up and she was wearing clean clothes. The circles under her eyes were gone and she didn’t look quite as anorexic as before, maybe Esme finally put her foot down.

“Renesmee, how wonderful of you to join us,” Edward sneered from his corner. I gave him an icy glare and stood next to Bella, signaling him I was on her side. Bella gave me a soft smile before smirking at Edward. Edward glared at her for a minute before he looked away.

“Stop it, all of you,” Esme commanded. “This has to end, you’ve been fighting for too long.” She looked at Edward and then at me. Edward glared at me, I glared back. Finally Edward sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. He walked over to me, his green eyes ice cold.

“I'm sorry I hit you.”

“I'm sorry I got in your way.”

Just like that it was over. Almost of a week of not talking to him and avoiding him was fixed with a simple sorry. I knew it was much more than that, now that I know what Alec did I completely understood his actions. I was no longer mad at him for hitting me, the bruise had begun to fade, and I could now easily conceal it with some make-up.  Edward grinned at me, touching my arm briefly before retreating back into his corner of the room.

Esme let out an audible sigh of relief and the tension in the room immediately lifted, however the tension between Bella and Edward was still running high, but that was something they needed to sort out in private.

“We need to tell you something,” Carlisle said, clasping Esme’s hand. The silence in the room was broken by all of us trying to guess what they were going to say.

“You’re pregnant,” Rosalie said.

“We are going to Hawaii?” Emmett asked.

“You are finally buying me a new bike?” Jasper wanted to know.

“I get an unlimited credit card?” Alice asked, biting her lip, her eyes shining with hope.

“You’re all wrong,” Carlisle said. Everybody’s faces fell as they settled down in their seats again.

“We are going to Italy for a family reunion,” Esme said in one quick breath.

“What? I didn’t catch that,” Emmett said.

Esme took a deep breath. “We are going to Italy for the family reunion.”

There was a brief pause, so silent you could hear a pin drop. Then all hell broke loose.

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