Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Headaches and painkillers


The rest of the week went by pretty slowly, Alec has been avoiding me, and he would barely look at me all through the week. Angela said she saw him pulling Jessica into the janitor’s closet. I'm pretty sure they weren’t getting cleaning supplies. It ticked me off a bit, even though I knew what kind of a guy he was, I couldn’t help myself, I was falling for him.                                                                                                          

I managed to avoid my family for most of the week, it was a bit challenging. The boys had football practice the whole week and Rosalie had cheerleading practice, so they were easy to avoid, but Bella and Alice were a whole other story. Both of them were on the school newspaper, they only had meetings on Wednesday. They tried to talk to me at lunch, but I gave them short, curt answers, hoping to discourage them. It worked around Thursday when they finally gave up on me and stopped talking to me.  It was Friday now, Alice and Rosalie went shopping and the boys were down at the reservation working on their bikes with Jacob and Embry. Bella had disappeared again; I had no idea where she was. After I had caught her on Tuesday I had been keeping a close eye on her, but she didn’t spend the night somewhere else again.                                                                                                                                                               I was helping Esme in the kitchen when the subject came up.

“Do you know what is going on between Edward and Bella?” Esme asked. We were busy chopping vegetables to go with the steak.

“I think they had a fight,” I said. Esme frowned and continued to chop the vegetables. “Did you know she has been sneaking out?” I asked hesitantly. I didn’t want Bella to get in trouble, but I didn’t want her getting hurt either. Esme sighed and nodded.

“I caught her one night.”

“What did she say?” I asked.

“Nothing really,” Esme said. “She was too scared to tell me. Will you keep an eye on her please? I know you are mad at them, but they are your family and they care about you. I know you care about them too,” Esme came over and put a hand on my shoulder. “It’s time you made up.” Well I suppose I have been taking this ‘no talking’ thing too far.

“Alright, I’ll talk to them,” I sighed. Esme smiled at me and gave my shoulder a squeeze before returning to her vegetable chopping. I was worried about Bella; she had been acting weird ever since the party….when Alec kissed her! That’s it! Edward must have found out, that’s why he was so mean to her.

“I have to go Esme, I’ll be back in time for dinner!” I yelled as I ran out of the kitchen, grabbing my car keys and cell phone. I quickly texted Angela, asking for directions to Alec’s house, he lived on the other side of town in an impressive three story French style house with large windows and a wraparound porch. I stormed up to the front door, but before I could knock the door swung open revealing a pretty blonde girl with piercing blue eyes. She raised her eyebrows and smirked at me.

“What is a Cullen doing here.” She asked menacingly.

“I'm looking for Alec,” I said calmly.

“Well, he isn’t here,” she snapped, slamming the door in my face.

How rude, I muttered under my breath as I walked back to my car. I had no idea where Alec was or how to find him, so I called Angela again.

“Why are you so eager to see him?” she asked skeptically.

“I think he’s the reason behind Bella and Edward’s fight,” I said.

Angela sighed. “Try the gym, it’s two blocks away from his house.”

“Thank you so much Angela!”

“Just be careful,” she said and then hung up. I quickly drove over to the gym. Alec was busy pumping weights when I walked in, he almost dropped one when he saw me.

“Renesmee what are you doing here,” he hissed. I raised my eyebrows and put my hands on my hips.

“Are you sleeping with my sister?” I asked bluntly. He really did drop his weights this time and laughed at me, waggling his eyebrows.

“Which one?” he asked cheekily. I had the sudden urge to slap him. So I did.


Right across his check, Alec blinked and then burst out laughing. I growled at him and then stormed out.

“Renesmee, wait!” He called after me. I heard him running after me, he was a lot stronger and faster, so he caught up with me pretty quickly. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. It was not doing my sanity any good. Whenever I get close to him I get so lightheaded I'm afraid I’ll faint. His brown eyes were boring into my chocolate ones.

“Let go of me Alec,” I said softly, unable to look away from his brown eyes. I never noticed that he had golden flecks in his eyes. He pulled me closer, our lips inches apart. I closed my eyes, leaning into him. I so badly wanted to kiss him, to feel his lips on mine, but that was obviously not going to happen anytime soon.

“Renesmee, get away from him!” Someone shouted. I pulled away from Alec only to see my brothers and the boys from the Reservation looking murderous.

“Guys it’s not what it looks like!” I protested. Edward folded his arms across his chest while Emmett, Jasper, Jacob and Embry flanked him.

“Really, so you weren’t going to kiss him? You looked really into it,” he snarled. Alright, this has gone on long enough. I can kiss anyone I want.

“So, it’s none of your business,” I growled back. Alec had stiffened next to me, all of his previous cheekiness gone.

“You’re my sister, it is my business. Please Rennie, come with us,” he asked, almost pleadingly. I looked at my brothers and their friends, and then back at Alec. Typical conundrum, guy you like or your family.

“Please, Rennie, come with us,” Emmett asked. I looked back at Alec and decided to end this mystery once and for all. 

“I’ll come with you on one condition, tell me why you hate Alec.” 

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