Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Family fight night


“Does it hurt terribly?” Bella asked me, handing me another bag of ice.

“I’ll be fine, Bella,” I sighed. I wish they would just stop fussing over me. I put the bag of ice over my eye and lay back in bed. Bella was sitting beside me, holding a tray with water and pain pills on it. I could feel her eyes on me for a minute, and then she stood up and left.  I tried sleeping after she left, but I was in too much pain. I winced as I sat up and I reached for another pain killer. I didn’t want them to worry over me, so I pretended I was fine. I hated it when people fussed over me, like I was a child and I couldn’t take care of myself. I threw the covers off, gently placing my feet on the floor and standing up. I was a bit dizzy for a moment, but it passed and I tried to make my way over to the bathroom.  I stumbled here and there, due to the fact that I couldn’t see out of one eye, but I managed. I scowled at myself when I saw my reflection, and then winced. Scowling was not a good idea when you have a black eye. I gently placed my fingers over my eye, it was swollen pretty badly, but the doctor said it would be fine. It was a really ugly bruise, though, and it would take a lot of make up to cover it up. Of course, I wouldn’t have the bloody bruise if Edward could control his temper. 

“You are an idiot,” I said to myself. It was true though, I mean, what kind of person throws herself between two boys in a fist fight? “A major idiot,” I said to myself as I walked out of the bathroom.

“How are you feeling?” I jumped as I heard a voice come from the door. I turned around to find Alice standing in the doorway, a cup of hot coco in her hand.

“You scared me,” I said. I walked to the bean bags in the corner and sat down in, Alice sitting down beside me. She handed me the cup of coco and smiled at me.

“Edward is really sorry you know,” she said.

I snorted. “If Edward really was sorry, he would come apologize.”

“Give him a break, Rennie, he didn’t expect you to jump in front of Alec,” she said, throwing her arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer. “That was really stupid, by the way,” she scolded.

“I know, and I shouldn’t have done that, but I didn’t want him to hurt Alec, we were just talking.” Alice sighed and ran her hands through her short pixie hair. She shook her head and stood up.

“Be careful, Renesmee, you don’t know Alec like we do. Edward was just trying to protect you.” That made me angry. What was he protecting me from? Evil boys who just wanted to talk? Ok, I admit we weren’t talking, it was more like flirting, but still, it was completely uncalled for. He gave me a black eye for fuck’s sake. Was that how he was going to protect me? By making me completely unappealing towards the entire male population? Or maybe he was pissed that his ‘little sister’ had a mind of her won and can actually talk to guys without his guidance or fucking approval? Fuck him.

“Yeah by giving me a black eye,” I spat. Alice looked startled at my sudden appearance of rage, but I didn’t care. I flew out of bean bag and ran down the stairs. “Edward fucking Cullen get your ass down here now!” I screamed as I stormed into the living room. Rosalie and Jasper were busy watching TV when I stormed in. they gave me amused looks before turning their attention to the TV. Emmett was also in the room and when he saw me he burst out laughing.

“If you don’t stop laughing Emmett, you will look worse,” I growled, shooting daggers at him. He shut immediately and cowered behind Rosalie. Jasper started to laugh, but turned it into a cough when I turned my gaze on him.

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