Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Russians and tomatoes.


I nervously tugged on the dress. It fit perfectly, it made my legs look longer than they actually were and it made me look incredibly slim. My hair was straight and it hung down my back in a perfect V. I was wearing 2 inch heels; I refused to even touch the 5 inch heels Alice had in mind. My make-up was light and casual, Alice had done a great job with my eyes, she put on some gold eyeliner, and it made my eyes look like melted chocolate. I was ready for this dance in appearance, but emotionally I was a wreck. Alec was coming to pick me up; everyone was nervously awaiting his arrival. Jasper and Edward were already downstairs, looking dashing in their suits, pacing in front of the door. Rose, Alice and Bella were still busy getting ready in Alice's room. I was sitting in my room, trying to calm my nerves. I really wanted this to work, I highly doubted that my family would scare Alec off, but it would put tremendous strain on our relationship if they didn't approve. Edward and Jasper promised that they would give Alec a chance; I really hope that he doesn't disappoint them, and me. Alec was a good guy; I just needed my family to see that. He made a mistake, and he paid for that mistake for nearly two years. This needed to work.

The doorbell rang.

I was out of my room and down the stairs faster than the speed of light. Edward and Jasper gaped at me, it looked like they were about to go and tell me to change into something more appropriate, but Carlisle opened the door before they could say anything. I frowned. The dress wasn't that revealing, was it? I'm pretty sure that Rose and Alice would be wearing something much more revealing.

"Evening Dr. Cullen," I heard Alec say. I turned to face him and I had to stop myself from drooling. He looked, for the lack of a better word, damn sexy in his black suit and black tie. His hair had its usual 'I just tumbled out of bed' look, but it just looked so much sexier when he was wearing a suit. I swear my legs were going to give in any second.

"Hello Alec," Carlisle said, shaking his hand. Esme came out from the kitchen and gave Alec a hug. There was a surprised look on his face before he hugged her back.

"Hello Mrs. Cullen."

"Hello Alec, dear, so good to see you again," Esme said. Alec looked at me over her shoulder, his eyes widening. When Esme released him he walked straight over to me, kissing my cheek softly.

"Renesmee, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my entire lifetime," he whispered in my ear. I blushed furiously, I could hear Jasper and Edward trying not to snicker and keep their cool composure. Alec pulled away from me to look at Edward and Jasper. He walked over to them; I held my breath, hoping Edward wouldn't try to punch him again. Alec and Edward were about the same height, so they could look each other in the eye. Very slowly Alec extended his hand toward Edward. My chest was burning from the lack of oxygen, but I refused to breathe, I was rooted in place, tensely watching the scene unfold. After what seemed like a lifetime, Edward took Alec's outstretched hand, briefly shaking it before letting it go. Alec did the same with Jasper, only Jasper didn't hesitate quiet as long as Edward did. Alec immediately retreated to my side, not daring to touch me in front of my brother's deadly gazes.

"Breathe Nez," he whispered and I realized I was still holding my breath. I exhaled and inhaled my lungs grateful for the air. Esme beamed at all of us, before walking back into the kitchen. Emmett strolled out of the living room, I big, devious smile on his face. I knew that smile all too well. Shit was about to hit the fan.

"Alec my brother, we need to talk, man to man, if you get what I mean," Emmett waggled his eyebrows suggestively. I groaned, praying that the ground would open up and swallow me. Edward and Jasper immediately caught Emmett's drift and grinned.

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