Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


How cliché



The next morning I woke up bright and early for my trip to Port Angeles with Angela and Jamie. I needed a break from this crazy household of mine, the problems were just piling up, and it was all too much. Alice told me what happened between her and Alec, how that car crash almost ruined her life. After the car crash, Alice was paralyzed from the waist down. Carlisle and Esme refused to believe that she would never walk again, so they took her to doctors in California, New York, Seattle, everywhere, until they found one in Houston who said that there was a small possibility that she could walk again. After 15 surgeries and six months of physio therapy she could walk again. It must have been terrible for Alice, she was so small and vulnerable, and all those surgeries must have taken its toll on her. Alec ruined her life, he ruined the Cullens’ life and he was this close to ruining my life if I had let him have his way with me the night of that stupid party. Now I understand why the Cullens wanted to keep me away from him, he was dangerous. After Alice returned from her many surgeries she found out that Edward, Emmett and Jasper drove Alec out of town and was making the rest of the Brigham’s life miserable. They were furious when they found out what Alec had done and the Brigham’s were going to pay. The first few months after the surgeries were terrible, for both the Cullens and the Brigham’s. They were one big happy family, now torn apart by the actions of Alec. I couldn’t help but feel sorry, for all of them. None of them were happy anymore, they live to make each other’s lives miserable and I just want to stay out of it.

Now, the big question, am I still in love with him? Yes I am, but is it worth it? The Cullens are my family now and Alec hurt them, but they also hurt Alec’s family. If I wanted to stay out of this, should I just let my feelings go, or do the opposite? Should I hate him and his entire family for one little mistake? Don’t believe a word they say, Alec’s voice rang in my ears. What does it mean? Is there something they are not telling me? Is it important?

I fell back into my bed in frustration, it was all too much, and it felt like my head was going to explode with all the questions. I needed to get out of this house and just clear my head. I climbed off the bed and made my way towards the bathroom, it was still very early; the sun hadn’t even come up yet. I quickly climbed into the shower, letting the warm water run over me, washing away all the dirt from yesterday. If only it could wash away all my problems. I still hadn’t made up with Edward and now I wasn’t so sure I wanted to. I love Alec and Edward drove him out of town, but Edward is my brother and he was just trying to protect Alice. I sighed, feeling very conflicted, and climbed out of the shower, quickly drying off and walking into the closet. I wasn’t in the mood to dress up, so I just pulled on a comfy pair of jeans and a purple t-shirt. After drying my hair and applying the minimum make-up I quietly sneaked downstairs, only to find Bella sneaking in. Another one of my problems. I was worried about Bella; this was the third time I found her sneaking in early in the morning. She looked like a mess; her clothes were dirty and wrinkled and her face was covered in mud and there was a large bruise forming on her cheek. I cleared my throat, glaring at Bella as she turned to face me.

“Renesmee what are you doing up?” she asked.

“I could ask you the same thing,” I said coolly. Bella blushed and shuffled uncomfortably under my gaze.

“I went for a jog,” she lied. I raised an eyebrow and walked closer to inspect her. It looked like she was mauled by a bear, her clothes were torn and there were dry leaves and twigs in her hair.

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