Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I wanna know what it feels like to be haunted by you.

Alice POV (Still two years ago.)

You say you love me one minute then you waking away,

You wanna hold my hand but baby you are too scared to say,

 To say you love me that you need me, now show it, I know it.

“Alice, come on, talk to me please,” Alec begged as he chased after me to the car. I couldn’t believe it; I didn’t want to believe it. I was so stupid, to think he actually changed for me. He was still his old, smoking, drinking all-round asshole self he was six months ago. And now he was smoking pot! Fine, it was his life; he can waste it any way he wants. I stormed to the car, throwing the door open and climbing in. Alec sighed and got into the driver’s seat, then turned to look at me.

“I'm not starting this car until we talk,” he stated.  I just snorted and turned to look out the window, a slight pout on my lips. Alec sighed and folded his arms across his chest, and so we sat for another half an hour, Alec with a frown on his face and me pouting. I stared out the window, trying to figure all this out. I was only fourteen, but I had been through a lot. My mother died giving birth to me, leaving me with a depressed and abusive father. By the time I was 10 I was holding two jobs to try and pay for the house and my father’s drinking habits. Eventually my dad got worse, he started to smoke, and he slept with a lot of women. He died on the 14th of April 2006 from alcohol poisoning and I was left with no one.

Finally I couldn’t take the silence anymore and I burst out in tears. “You promised, you promised,” I sobbed. He tried to put his arm around my shoulder, but I just shrugged him off. “Don’t touch me,” I whispered. Alec let his arm drop and stared out the window.

“Why did you do it?” I asked, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

He sighed. “I told you, I never stopped,” he said as he started the car.

“So you haven’t stopped smoking, what else haven’t you stopped?” I asked as he pulled on the highway. Alec stiffened, keeping his eyes glued to the road. It had started to rain, just a light drizzle, but I knew Alec wasn’t comfortable with driving in the rain.

“I don’t think now is the best time to tell you,” he said stiffly.

“You’ve been sleeping with other girls behind my back haven’t you?” I asked, surprised that I could keep my voice under control. I wasn’t really that surprised, I mean he never stopped smoking, so why would he stop whoring around? The car was silent, so I took it as a yes.

“How many?” I asked. I was starting to get a little angry, the lying cheating scumbag. I'm going to get Emmett to beat him up.

“Four,” he replied dryly. I was seething with anger. Four? Four. Fucking FOUR. FUCKING FOUR!

“HOW DARE YOU?” I blew up. Alec yelped in fright as I glared at him. If looks could kill he would be six feet under right now. “YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SON OF A BITCH! FOUR GIRLS? ONLY FOUR, I MUST SAY I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE SIX OR TWELVE, HELL MAYBE EVEN THE WHOLE TOWN WITH THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN WHORING AROUND!” I yelled at him. He flinched, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

“I BET YOU EVEN SLEPT WITH ONE OF MY SISTERS, HECK MAYBE EVEN ONE OF YOURS!” I yelled. Alec slammed the breaks; I almost went through the windshield if it wasn’t for my seatbelt. He growled at me before getting out of the car, walking over to my side and pulling me out.

“Listen here you bitch,” he growled low in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine, the good kind. “I may be a lot of things, but I will NEVER sleep with one of your or my sisters, understand?” the rain was falling heavily now, soaking both of his in mere minuets. I stared at Alec, watching the rain drops drip off his dark brown hair, his black eyes staring at my blue brown ones with such intensity I thought I was going to melt, and that was when he kissed me. A real kiss, filled with so much passion I thought I might faint. His lips crushed mine hungrily, eager for more. His hands travelled under my shirt, everywhere he touched me my nerves were on fire, begging for more. I ran my hands through his wet hair as he slid his tongue across my lip, begging for entrance. I opened my mouth eagerly, letting his tongue explore my mouth. I was literally melting in his strong arms.  I didn’t care that he smoked weed or drank more than one beer, right now it was damn sexy.

Alec pulled away, both of us gasping for air. “My place?” he asked. I just nodded, I was completely numb from that kiss, and I didn’t have the energy to say no. And I wanted it just as badly as he did.  I got back in the car, shaking from the cold, my clothes were soaked, my make-up was running, but I didn’t care. For the first time in my life I just didn’t care.

And then everything went black.


I woke up in excruciating pain; my legs were on fire and ice cold at the same time. I could feel the rain splattering against my face; it was cold and hot at the same time. How was that even possible? I tried to sit up, but another wave of pain left me whimpering on the ground.  I tried to open my eyes or move my legs, but they weren’t responding, so I just listened. I could hear something that sounded like a fire and the air tasted like metal and blood. After a few minutes I tried opening my eyes, everything was just a black blur.

Suddenly I heard someone groan beside me. My eyes snapped open, only to be met by a terrifying scene.  I snapped my eyes shut, hoping that this was just a bad dream, when I opened them again, I found out if wasn’t. Alec and I were lying side by side, my legs were invisible under a large chunk of metal and Alec’s arm was pinned underneath it as well. H had a huge piece of glass sticking out the side of his head and his leg and on further inspection I could see that there was a relatively big piece in my leg as well. That’s when I noticed that the big chunk of metal crushing us was Alec’s car.

And then everything went black again.


“Alice honey can you hear me?”  A voice asked. It sounded familiar, motherly. But I didn’t have a mother, she was dead.

“Alice can you hear us?” another voice. This one was male, but that was impossible, both my parents are dead.  Does this mean I'm dead too? I hope not, I still want to go to Venice.

“Alice?” Another voice. This one sounded like it had a southern accent. I don’t know anyone with a southern accent, but it sure sounded nice.

“She can’t hear us,” another voice stated. This one sounded velvety and oddly comforting. I tried opening my eyes, but there was this bright light that gave me a piercing headache every time I tried.

“Her eyes are moving, she is waking up, call Bella and Rose,” the motherly voice said. Bella and Rose? The names sounded familiar, but I couldn’t match the names with the faces. 

“Turn of the light,” the velvet voice said. I heard the shuffling of feet and suddenly the bright light was gone. I cautiously opened my eyes, testing to see if it would return, so I opened them fully.

“Alice!” seven people said all at once, pulling me in for a hug. I grimaced; I was stiff and sore from lying down all the time. The people saw this and they all leaned back. When I saw their faces it all came rushing back to me. Alec. Car crash. Rose. Emmett. Bella. Edward. Jasper, Carlisle, Esme.

“What happened?” I asked as I choked back tears.

“Honey you were in a terrible accident,” Esme said, kissing the top of my head as Jasper grabbed my hand.

“Why can’t I feel my legs?” I asked, but I already knew the answer. I knew it the moment I saw the car on my legs.

“I'm so sorry honey, but you’re paralyzed,” Esme said.  

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