Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

A New Beginning


After fifteen minutes I grew restless. What if they didn’t want me? Could I really handle the rejection again? They would probably fire Zoe; I would move and get a new social worker. I tossed the magazine on the table and started pacing around the room, stubbing my toe against a chair. I hopped around on one foot, silently cursing in my head. Ouch, my poor toe. I sat back down and pulled off my shoe, I hope it wasn’t broken. I am such a klutz. My little toe was already starting to swell, but it didn’t look like there was something wrong with it.                                                                                                                                           

“Stupid clumsiness,” I murmured and put my shoe back on. I started pacing around the room; they had been in there for a half an hour now. What was taking so long? Relax Renesmee, they are probably just signing the forms, I told myself.  After another fifteen minutes of pacing I gave up on the whole ordeal and sat in the chair right across from the office door and I stared at it, waiting for it to open. Come on door, open! Wait a second; am I really talking to the door? Am I losing my mind? Well you are talking to the door, I told myself. Whatever, I am just going to stare at it until it opens.                                                               

After some fifteen minutes of staring, the door opened. Zoe came out with a huge smile on her face, followed by Esme and Carlisle who were beaming at me.                                                                                                     

“Renesmee why don’t you go pack your stuff, you are coming home with us,” Esme said.                                             

“Really?” I squealed. “Thank you so much!” I ran towards Esme, hugging her tightly. I couldn’t believe this, I just got adopted. After 15 years I finally got adopted! I can’t wait to meet the rest of the family; this is going to be great. Esme hugged me back and then smiled at me.                                                                                   

“Go on, get your stuff, I'm sure the others at home are very excited to meet you,” she said. I nodded and raced upstairs, throwing open the door to my room. I pulled out a duffle bag from underneath the bed and started to fill it with my things. I took a few books that were lying on the shelf and then added my clothes. I didn’t have much, just a couple of jeans, t-shirts and sweaters. My duffle bag zipped up easily and I threw it over my shoulder. I took one last look at my room, it was tiny, and barely enough space for a bed, a dresser and a table, but it had been my home for the past six months. I quickly shut the door and walked back downstairs. The Cullen’s were waiting for me by the front door, the adoption papers tucked under Carlisle’s arms. Zoe was there as well, she probably wanted to say goodbye. I put the duffle bag down and hugged Zoe tightly.                                                                                                                            

“Thank you so much Zoe, for being there for me,” I said as tears ran down my cheeks. I didn’t even realize I was crying.                                                                                                                                                                

“It’s what I am here for,” she joked, stroking my hair. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to call me.” I nodded and picked up the duffle bag.                                                                                                                                 

“Come on dear,” Esme said gesturing towards the door. “Let’s go meet your new family.”


“Emmett wake up!” I yelled at him, hitting his head repetitively with a pillow.                                                                      

“Go away Alice!” He grabbed the pillow and chucked it behind the couch. “You’ll wake the dead if you continue screaming like that.” He pulled the pillow he was laying on over his head.                                              

“Why is Jasper in the pool?” I asked, putting my hands on my hips. Emmett started shaking with laughter.                                                                                                                                                                                         

“That should teach him not to drink so much,” Emmett chuckled. I started pulling on his arm, trying to get him off the couch. “Leave me alone you pixie, go bother Edward,” he hissed at me.  I sighed and let go of his arm.                                                                                                                                                                                  

“He is still passed out on the washing machine. Come on Emmett you have to help me clean this place up before Renesmee gets here.” I looked around the living room, plastic cups and bottles were lying everywhere along with some streamers and goat droppings. Yes goat droppings, Edward, Emmett and Jasper all play on the Forks High football team, last night was the victory party, and they won the championship game. Emmett could not resist the urge to steal the opposing team’s mascot, which was a goat. They had dressed him in a clown suit; I am pretty sure the goat is still here somewhere.                                                 

“Who is Renesmee?” he groaned and I rolled my eyes. Carlisle and Esme had gone to Seattle yesterday to adopt another child, he texted me this morning saying her name was Renesmee and they were on their way back. I hit him with another pillow.                                                                                                               

“Our new sister!” Emmett sat up straight and gave me a devious smile.                                                                    

“Excuse me while I go get the house ready,” he waggled his eyebrows, his hangover suddenly gone. Oh poor Renesmee, Emmett was probably going to play some prank on the poor girl. I picked up a plastic black bag and started to throw in all the trash. I felt kinda sorry for Renesmee; Emmett was going to play a major prank on her. He calls it his ‘welcome home’ pranks. Whenever one of us go away for the summer, we come home to find a snake in our beds or our shampoo replaced with glue.                                      

I walked into the laundry room to wake up Edward. He was curled up in a ball, sucking his thumb and clutching a teddy. I just had to take a photo; Emmett could surely use this against Edward in the future.                     

“Alice!” I heard Rosalie yell from upstairs. “Why is there I goat in my room?” I smiled, she had found the goat. I decided to let Edward sleep and go get the goat.                                                                                              

Rosalie was standing on top of the stair case, the goat next to her. It was wearing a clown nose and a bright pink wig. This was a mad house.                                                                                      

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