Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Blue bells.


Alec led me towards the woods surrounding the school; he pulled me through the thick trees into a small clearing where it wasn’t raining so hard. He let go of my hand and perched on a fallen log covered in moss in the middle of the clearing. He looked devilishly handsome as he sat there, his dark hair slightly wet and falling into his brown eyes. Tiny little blue bells were showing their heads here and there, I couldn’t help but laugh as I looked at him sitting there; he looked so out of place, like the devil in a flower bed. Alec stood up and walked towards me, gently running his fingers over my swollen eye. 

“Why did you do that?” he asked softly. His close proximity made me completely forget the throbbing in my eye, he smelled like mint and cigarettes, it was overwhelming. He sighed and took a step back, his intoxicating scent immediately replaced by the various smells of the forest and I was capable of speech again. 

“Edward shouldn’t have tried to hit you,” I said.

“You shouldn’t have tried to stop him!” He growled. “He could have broken your jaw, or worse!” I was shocked. I didn’t really think Alec cared what happened to me, after the way he treated me, like a piece of meat.

“But he didn’t,” I argued. “He should learn to control his temper.” Alec rolled his eyes and started pacing in the clearing.

“I'm positive you know how he gets when he is mad!” he fumed.

“Well then, you shouldn’t have provoked him!” I yelled back, throwing up my hands in frustration. Alec opened his mouth as if to say something, but then closed it again. He sighed and sat down on the log again, defeated.

“Your right,” he said, burying his face in his hands. “It’s all my fault.” I sat down beside him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“It’s not entirely your fault, Edward is extremely over protective.”

Alec gave a bitter laugh and looked up, running a hand through his messy hair. He smirked at me before taking my hand off his shoulder, keeping it in his. “He has every right to be. Did he tell you I'm extremely dangerous?” I nodded. Alec laughed and shook his head. “Of course he did.”

“Why does everyone say that?” I asked. Alec’s eyes lit up in a mischievous way and his smirk grew wider, scaring me slightly. When Alec smirked like that it was never a good sign.

“You mean they didn’t tell you?” he asked in a mock horror voice. This just confused me, what didn’t they tell me? Were they supposed to tell me something about him? Alec must have seen my confused face because he laughed again and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You should ask them why I'm so dangerous,” he said in a low husky voice. I thought I was going to faint.

“Why can’t you tell me,” I said in a shaky whisper. Alec smirked and ran his lips across my jaw, making me go weak in the knees, the last time he did this I was very drunk, and it was even better when I was sober.

“I'm afraid you’ll run away screaming before we get to the good part,” he said as his hands snaked around my waist, pulling me closer. Oh man, I really wanted this to happen, but the rational side of my brain told me I have to get to know him first. I gently pushed him away. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face, before it went blank. He raised an eyebrow as I stood up.

“We are going to be late for school,” I simply said, then turned on my heel and left him sitting in the clearing.


“You are in a good mood,” Angela commented as I walked into the school with her. We hung our jackets in our lockers and then made our way towards homeroom. “What with the black eye and all.” I shrugged and opened the locker room door.

“Cant I be in a good mood?” I asked as I grabbed a pair of gym clothes. Angela shrugged and tied her brown hair into a high pony tail. She pushed her glasses up her nose and glared at me.

“This is about you seeing Alec this morning, isn’t it?” I gaped at her. How the hell did she find out? And if she knew, did Bella know too? Oh this was not good. Angela saw my expression and laughed.  

“Relax; I was here early to put up flyers for the school newspaper when I saw you two walking into the woods.”

“We weren’t doing anything,” I blushed furiously at the lie. “We were just talking.” Angela raised an eyebrow but she said nothing as she changed into her gym clothes.

“Alright, but I hope you know what you are doing.” Oh no, not another ‘Alec is dangerous’ speech. I’ve had about enough of those. Angela read my expression again and laughed. “Relax, I wasn’t going to give you a speech.” I breathed a sigh of relief and threw my clothes into my locker, following Angela into the gym. “Come on,” she said taking my arm and pulling me toward a group of girls sitting on the stands. “Let me introduce you to some people.” We walked over to the girls.

“Renesmee, this is Lissa,” she pointed to a girl with a bright pink beanie and raven black hair. She was very pretty with high cheekbones and silver eyes. She smiled at me and nodded, turning back to the girl sitting beside me. “She is the editor of the school newspaper.”

“That is Jessica,” she said pointing to the girl sitting next to her, she had auburn hair and a cute button nose. She turned and looked at me with disgust before turning back to Lissa. I looked at Angela and raised an eyebrow at her. “Jessica saw you and Alec this morning, and she likes Alec. She’s also a big gossip, so I’d be careful with her.”

“This is Jamie,” she pointed to a short girl with straight blond hair and green eyes. Jamie smiled and came over to us, giving me a hug.

“Hi, I'm Jamie, so nice to meet you Renesmee,” she smiled at me. I smiled back, she was nice, I liked her. “You should sit with us at lunch, we’ll protect you from Edward,” she winked at me. I laughed and sat down next to her.

Gym progressed slowly, coach didn’t make me do anything, because of my eye and after that I sorta slept through economics and history. At lunch I ignored the family and sat next to Jamie, gloomily stuffing my face with a chocolate brownie as Angela and Lissa talked about the paper.

“So, what are you doing this weekend?” Jamie asked.

“I dunno, I figured I would just avoid the family,” I shrugged.

“Angela and I are going to Port Angeles, if you wanna come and avoid your family with us.” I brightened at the idea, it was perfect, and I could make it through the week without actually talking to any of the Cullens.

“Yeah you should come,” Angela said.

“Sure I’ll come.” 

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