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3 months later.

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.

Edward’s fist came down hard on the table. “That is it Renesmee! You are driving me nuts!” I looked up from my bowl of cereal, eyebrows raised. I hadn’t been following the conversation, I wasn’t even aware that we were having one, and I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“How so?” I asked in the same dull, flat voice I now preferred.

“You don’t do anything. That is the problem, you never do anything.”

“I fail to see how that drives you insane.” I scowled at him, wondering what got his underpants in a twist this morning. I pushed my untouched cereal away from me, I hadn’t eaten in weeks. Ever since…he…left I couldn’t stomach anything. Carlisle and Esme urged me to eat, but I refused, dropping weight like dogs dropped their hair.

You…you just sit around and mope all the time!” He yelled, throwing his hands up. That stung a bit, I had been very careful in avoiding all forms of moroseness, moping included.

“I am not moping around.”

“Wrong word,” he admitted. “Moping would be better—that would be doing something. You’re just…lifeless Renesmee.”  

I sighed. The first week after he left was hard. I didn’t come out of my room, hell I didn’t even climb out of bed. I would just lie there, sometimes crying, sometimes screaming in pain. I didn’t know that heartbreak included physical pain, it felt like my heart wanted to claw its way out of my chest with razor sharp nails. The whole week I stayed in bed, bedroom door locked so that no one could talk to me. When I slept, I dreamt about him, I would wake up screaming, thrashing around and gasping for air the pain was too much too handle. On Sunday, Emmett and Bella broke down my door, hauling me into the bathroom for a very forced shower. My language that day would have made a sailor blush. After the forced shower Emmett handed me a large Big Mac and a McFlurry, telling me that if I didn’t eat it he would force it down my throat. While I ate Bella told me why she was sneaking out of the house and why she always looked like a mess. When Edward left her, she and Jacob became very close and she was sneaking down to the Rez to work on her dirt bike with him. She fell a few times, hence all the bruises. Alice came by as well, telling me all about how school was going and about the art and fashion designing courses she was taking. Jasper, Rose and Emmett all got into Dartmouth next year; they would be going on a road trip there next weekend to set up their apartment. Edward and Bella were now dating, finally. After they had finished telling me all the news, I realized that time passed, whether I like it or not, it did. And so I decided that I would live a minimal existence. My grades were perfect, I never broke curfew, I never went out, I withdrew from my after school activities and I almost never saw my friends anymore. I didn’t speak unless I was spoken too and I only ate dinner, when I wasn’t doing any of those things I just sat in my room, staring out the window.

Now I realized Edward was right, I needed to live again. Only problem is, I don’t know how anymore. I needed to put on the best acting performance of my life right now. Act like you can’t get hurt. I smiled brightly at Edward.

“Wanna go see if we can pull a prank on Jasper?”

From now on, I will pretend that I am fine.

Even when I am not. 

After The Adoption: A Twilight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now