Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Digging My Own Grave



The next week was hectic, since Alec was a senior and made the football team he was extremely busy, we had little time to talk. I had joined the newspaper club and the girls volleyball team, against Jessica’s will (Take that bitch) and Edward and I slowly began to mend our broken relationship. It was now Friday and Edward, Jasper and I were sitting in the Coffee House, eating ice cream. Jasper and I had gotten close in the past week; he strolled into my room one day, holding a picture book of the American Civil War and wanting someone to discuss it with. We talked about our days in military school, his was in Houston, Texas and it was hard. He told me that the Majors and the Generals used to beat them with whips, most of the time drawing blood, hence the scars on his body. Jasper told me that he had attempted to break out many times, but his supervisor, Maria had other plans. Jasper moved through the ranks fairly quickly, becoming the youngest Major in the school. Pretty soon, Maria wanted him to join the real army. Luckily Carlisle and Esme adopted him before that could happen.

At first Jasper was reluctant about his new family, until he found out that Rose was his long lost twin sister. After a few weeks of living with the Cullens, along with Rose’s help, he began to break away from his military lifestyle. It took a while for him to shake the early morning drill sessions, but he did it eventually.

Then he noticed Alice, she was nothing more than a little sister with shiny black curls and unhealthy addiction to shopping. When she turned fourteen however, she had outgrown most of her pixy like ways, her shopping addiction had subsided a little and she was now a beautiful woman with wavy black hair and sparkling eyes. Of course, there was only one problem, she was dating Alec.

After the accident Jasper became Alice’s rock, he helped her learn how to walk again, and eventually they fell in love.

“So got any plans for tomorrow?” Jasper casually asked. Oh shit, I hadn’t told them that I was going to the dance with Alec, and I wasn’t going to. Edward and Jasper would blow a gasket if they ever found out, they were still very anti-Alec, even though they had forgiven the rest of the Brigham’s and they were still giving Alec the evil eye.  

“No nothing special,” I lied, eating a spoonful of my chocolate sundae. Edward raised his eyebrows but he said nothing.

“So you are not going to the dance with Alec tomorrow?” Jasper asked. I almost choked on my spoon. Edward laughed and hit me on back, while Jasper had fallen off his chair with laughter.

“I…um…..” I could feel myself turning as red as a tomato. I refused to meet Edwards’s eyes; I could feel that he was glaring at me. Jasper was trying very hard not to laugh; he was holding his breath and starting to turn slightly purple.

“Relax sis, we know you are going to the dance with him,” Jasper said, finally taking a large gulp of air.

“How?” I demanded, looking at both of them.

“Every girl in the school asked him to the dance, he politely declined, saying that he was going with you,” Jasper said. 

“And you are OK with this?”

They nodded.

Alright, I'm calling 911, this is not normal. They should be flipping their lids, not sitting calmly eating ice cream. Something was very wrong with this picture. “Should I be worried?” I asked, feeling Jasper’s forehead. He just laughed and waved me off.

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