Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The Cullens 


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew we were parked in front of a tiny diner in the middle of nowhere. Esme was leaning across the seat, smiling apologetic at me.

“Sorry dear, I didn’t want to wake you up so Carlisle suggested takeout. We could still go inside if you want to,” she gestured toward the diner and I nodded. My stomach grumbled, I was famished and still a little dazed; it felt like I had a really long nap and now I had to eat. I stumbled out of the car and followed Esme inside. It was a comfy diner little diner; the walls were lined with old records and black and white photographs. Carlisle was standing at the counter, a takeout menu in his hands. When he saw us he said something to the waitress and she led us to an empty booth, putting three menus on the table. We sat in silence for a while, contemplating what we were going to eat. The waitress came back and took our orders and left us in silence again. I wanted to ask Carlisle and Esme about the rest of their family, but I felt uncomfortable with doing so. I don’t really know why, maybe it is because I’m worried that they won’t accept me as their sister, just someone who came into their lives unannounced and ruined it.

“Can I ask you some questions about the rest of my adopted siblings?” I asked slowly. Esme broke into a huge grin and Carlisle nodded in encouragement. “You mentioned some of their names in the car; Alice and Emmett?” It was the only two I could remember; I was still a little sleepy. 

“Alice is our youngest daughter, she’s sixteen. We adopted her when she was ten years old, she had an abusive childhood,” Esme’s face was filled with sadness at the thought of her youngest being abused. I must admit I feel sorry for Alice, even though I didn’t know her at all. “I don’t want to tell you too much about them, they might want to tell you their stories themselves,” I nodded. It was understandable; I wouldn’t want Carlisle and Esme telling everyone my story.

“And Emmett?”                                                                                          

“Emmett is the oldest, he’s eighteen. He’s a prankster, he’s got a twisted sense of humor.” I grinned, I already liked Emmett, and I bet we could pull some wicked pranks. The waitress returned with our food and drinks; I ordered a strawberry milkshake and a burger.

“And the rest?” I asked between bites of food and gulps of milkshake.

“Jasper is the second oldest, also eighteen, we adopted him two years ago. He was in military school all his life,” Carlisle said. Poor Jasper, I was sent to military school one year when I was fourteen, it was not a pleasant experience. “Rosalie is Jasper’s twin sister; we adopted her when she was five. Their parents left them on the streets when they were very young.” It seems like all these kids have really bad backgrounds, maybe that’s why Carlisle and Esme adopted them, to save them.

“Edward is seventeen, he’s our biological son.” So Esme could have children, I wonder why they only had one?

“Your biological son?”                                                                                                                                                                               

“Yes, Edward was a miracle; the doctors told me I couldn’t have children but then I got pregnant with Edward,” Esme smiled slightly, placing her hand over her stomach as she re-lived the memory. Carlisle put an arm around her shoulders and hugged her gently.

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