Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The truth hurts

Alice POV

Summer 2010 (2 years ago)

"Alec pass here!" Emmett yelled as he tackled Edward to the ground and then sat on him. Edward growled and tried to push Emmett off, but he had no such luck. Alec laughed and passed the football to Emmett, only to have it intercepted by Jasper who was laughing like a madman as he ran to the goal post, aka two picnic tables pushed together.

"Alec tackle him!" Jane yelled as she jumped up and down on the sideline. Alec grinned wolfishly as he sat off after Jasper, who was almost at the goal post.

"Felix, Emmett, stop teasing Edward and get Jasper!" Rosalie yelled. Emmett and Felix were now both sitting on Edward, tickling him so hard he couldn't breathe.

"Get off him you big brutes!" Bella yelled, afraid they might squish him.

"Jasper pass, Alec is on your tail!" Demitri yelled as he ran next to Jasper, Jasper passed to him just as Alec tackled him. Demitri laughed as he jogged over to the goal post, putting the ball down right in the middle of the two.

"Losers!" Jane yelled as she laughed at Emmett, Felix and Alec. Edward, Jasper and Demitri all cheered as they did a little dance on the spot.

I sat on one of the picnic tables, enjoying the moment. I loved it when the boys played friendly football matches like this, it was crazy, and it was more about tackling each other than scoring. Rosalie and Jane were consoling Emmett and Felix, who pretended like they were upset about the game. Bella and Heidi were kissing Demitri and Edward in celebration. I hung back, waiting for Alec and Jasper to finish pretending to gag. Alec looked over to me, his black eyes shining with mischief. He grinned slyly as he walked over to me.

"What? No 'I'm sorry you lost'?" he asked as he sat down next to me. I grinned and flipped my long black hair over my shoulder.

"Nope, you deserved to lose," I grinned as he put his arm around me.

"No we did not, how you could say that?" he asked, pretending to be offended.

"Cause you play dirty," I giggled. He grinned deviously as he leaned closer, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"That's not what you said last night," he whispered in my ear. I pushed him away, laughing.

"Gross, you have a dirty mind!" I yelled. Alec just laughed and kissed my nose.

"Hey Alec, no kissing my sister in front of me!" Emmett yelled, covering his eyes.

"You kiss Rose all the time and I don't complain!" Alec said. Emmett stuck his tongue out and held Rose closer.

"She isn't two years younger than me," he pointed out. Alec stuck his tongue out and Rose rolled her eyes.

"You two are so childish," she said, shrugging Emmett's arm off and sitting down next to me. Alec jumped off the table and ran to Emmett, tackling him to the ground.

"Boys will be boys," she sighed as she watched the boys fight, Jasper and Felix decided to join in and now they were all rolling in the mud. "So," she sighed. "How are things between you and Alec?" I got the feeling that my family was a little worried, Alec was two years older than me, and he wasn't exactly boyfriend material. He smoked, he drank and he was a player, but I think I really helped him. He wasn't smoking anymore, he still drank a bit and we have been dating for six months now, so I would say he is back on the straight and narrow again.

"It's going great," I smiled as I watched him smear Emmett with mud. Felix laughed and grabbed a handful of mud, smearing it across Alec's face. Alec sat up, looked around and then grinned so evilly it made me want to run away.

"Hey Alice, come give me hug," he said, standing up, mud dripping from him. I squealed and ran away, while he chased after me.

"No Alec don't this outfit is brand new," I yelled as he laughed. He was a lot faster than me, so he caught me quickly, enveloping me in a huge hug, smearing mud all over my clothes.

"Alec this is a new outfit!" I yelled in between laughs.

"Oh get over it," he laughed as he kissed my cheek.

"Hey guys!" Bella called. She was sitting under one of the oak trees in our back yard, near the river, a picnic spread out in front of her. "Come and eat!"

"Oh good, food," Alec said, releasing me and running towards the food. Emmett, Jasper, Felix, Demitri and Edward were all running towards the food like a couple of hungry wolves, they sure looked like they were ready to eat a whole cow. I looked down, my outfit was ruined, and I would have to change before we went to the rez later.

"Hey Alice, hurry up, the boys are going to eat everything," Bella called. I smiled and ran over, grabbing a sandwich before Emmett could scarf it down.

"So Alice, you riding with us to the rez?" Felix asked. I nodded my mouth too full to answer.

"Alec will ride with me and Heidi," Demitri stated.

"Seriously, different cars?" I asked. Felix and Demitri were also being seriously over protective. I can take care of myself, you know.

"Yes," Felix and Demitri answered.


"Hey Alice, you ready?" Alec called up the stairs. I was standing in front of the mirror, checking to see if my dress was right. My long hair was pulled into a bun with loose curls framing my face. I was wearing a short black dress with straps, it wasn't tight, but it wasn't loose either. I grabbed my handbag and some lip gloss before joining Alec downstairs.

"You look stunning," he said, pulling me in for a hug.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I said he was wearing a blue shirt without a tie and black dress pants. My friend Sam was turning 18 and he was throwing this major cocktail party near the cliffs of the rez. There was going to be a bonfire, booze and who knows what else, I was only going to keep an eye on Alec to make sure he didn't start smoking again.

"Thanks," he smiled as Demitri and Heidi joined us. We were now waiting on Rose and Emmett, who would be riding with us.

"Has Bella, Edward, Alice, Felix and Jane left yet?" I asked. Alec nodded and held me a bit tighter.

"We have to hurry up, the party starts in 15," Heidi said. She was wearing a skin tight red dress that left little to the imagination. Thank goodness she was Alec's sister; otherwise I would be totally jealous.

"Let's go," Rose said as she and Emmett descended the stairs. Rosalie was wearing a very short green dress with twenty (Just kidding) inch heels.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Demitri said as we followed him out of the house.

"Pass the beer!" Alec yelled as he stood on top of Edward, who was passed out on an inflatable crocodile pool.

"Hey Alice," Emmett slurred as he threw an arm around my shoulders. "What do you call an alligator in a vest?"

"I dunno Emmett," I said nursing my drink.

"An investigator!" he laughed his booming laugh and walked off, stumbling slightly.

"Look at me I'm a fairy!" Rosalie yelled as she danced around the bonfire with Jasper, who was doing a kind of voodoo chant/ dance with her.

"My siblings are weird." I sighed and walked over to the edge off the cliffs where Alec was standing. When I got near him, the wind picked up and I thought I smelled…weed. I ran towards him, turning him around only to find him smoking weed.

"Alec you promised you quit!" I yelled, tears stinging my eyes.

"I'm sorry Alice, I couldn't help it," he said in a raspy voice.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

Alec looked down and shuffled his feet. "It never stopped," he said. The tears had started to run freely now.

"Take me home Alec, and after that I never want to see you again."

To be continued...

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