Chapter 17, Lean on Me

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I let her lean her head on my shoulder. I hope she found it comfortable there. I hoped she'd always find my shoulder when she was upset or needed comfort. Because I'm always happy to comfort her and be there for her. We were sitting back on our bench, at the same mountaintop we'd played the question game. It had been almost a week since the last time we'd been here and I was extremely happy to find out that nothing bad had happened to her, and the reason she ran away was to help Grayson. Everything had already been cleared up between us as she explained her story. Although... I felt as if she was leaving out an important part that she didn't want to share. I guess she'd tell me when she was ready to. It probably wasn't my business anyway. I felt bad for Grayson, but I couldn't help being relieved that I had full claim on my beautiful love, Lily. 

"Everything will be okay Lily, I'm sure he'll forgive you and he'll come around soon," I whispered into her vanilla-scented hair.

"I know but... I just feel so bad," she responded.

"You shouldn't, I was the one who forced you to tell me. Of course... I did without knowing it, but you had no choice," I said.

"I guess so..."

"C'mon, let's go on the swings," I took her hand in mine and led her over to the swings, plopping her down in one of them.

"Hang on tight princess," I chuckled as a pushed the swing hard from behind.

"AHH! I didn't know swings could go this high!" she screamed in terror and delight.

"Well, now you do!" I yelled as I gave her another push, causing her to scream louder.

"Jack! I'm gonna flip over! Stop me please!" she shrieked.

"Haha, alright scaredy cat! I'll let you down," I sighed, grabbing the chains and slowing her swing down. Once the swing came to a stop, I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a small peck on the cheek.

"How was that?"

"A-amazing but... don't ever do that to me again," she scolded me, but I could hear the affection in her voice.

"Dear Lily, won't you ever learn how to have some fun?" I teased.

"I am fun!" she swatted my arm, putting on a pouty face. "You just have to do something that will make me want to have fun," she smiled.

"Like this?" I asked, leaning in to kiss her affectionately, tracing her beautiful lips with my own.

"Exactly like that..." she breathed, a smile creeping onto her face.

"You know how they say that you hardly ever actually end up marrying your first love?" I asked, the question in my eyes.


"Well, I hope I prove them wrong because I couldn't imagine a life without you," I said quietly, kissing her again. And it was in moments like these that I really couldn't imagine a life without her. Even though we were only freshmen, it felt as if she was already a full-grown adult. Fully matured, and had all her decisions planned out ahead of her. I couldn't dream of a more perfect girl than the one sitting right in front of me. 

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