Chapter 32, Last Day of School!

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Walking through those doors on the last day of school. It felt amazing. Sure, I had to take more exams today, but nothing could stop the joy that was pouring out of me, how happy I was that it was finally the last day of school. The last day that Will and I would be going to separate schools, and next year we would always be able to pass each other in the hall, and maybe ever have lunch together! 

I smiled and set my books down on my desk. Not only would I have the 10th grade with Will, but also 11th and 12th! Senior year would definitely be the best, I just know it. 


Ahh, the last day of school... how to describe it? On one end you have the emotional girls that are bawling over in a corner, unable to fathom the idea of not seeing their friends for two months. Then you have those who break all the rules such as dress code or using their phones during class because nothing can happen to them on the last day. Those people who hate school and jump and holler and run like a madman out the door when the last bell rings. Then there was me, the one who kissed Lily on the cheek, told her to have a great summer and slowly walked out to the bus, recalling everything that had happened today. Man, it sure was pretty boring... and great at the same time. 


Today, we turned in our project. The famous Social Studies project that brought Jack and me together in the first place. I had always loved partner projects... for the most part, because in the process you really get to know someone. Sometimes the teacher can assign you a horrible partner, and it might not be as fun... but there's always that small chance that they'll assign it to be with your crush, or maybe one of your best friends. When I first learned who my partner was, I was heavily disappointed. But then... once we got to know each other, well look where we are now! I couldn't have asked for a better partner, my boyfriend! 

We had worked really hard on our temple models and Zeus statue, and you could tell the entire class was impressed. While you may think we didn't get any actual work done when we were over at each other's houses, we did! And turns out... we make a pretty amazing team! I felt as if this was one of the craziest years of my life... starting high school, getting a boyfriend... well, breaking up with one and THEN getting another one. Two trips to the hospital, my best friend getting upset. Could it be any crazier? The truth is it can, and I had no clue what would be in store for me during our senior year of high school, guess we'll have to wait and see. 

"Goodbye, Lily!" Jack came rushing up to me, giving me a sweet peck on the cheek.

"Bye Jack!" I sighed happily. 

"Hope you have an amazing summer! I'm sure we'll keep in touch," he gave me his dimpled grin, then walked off to the bus.

"Bye, Lily!" Abby said, rushing up to me and giving me a hard squeeze.

"Bye Abby!" I hugged her back. "I'm sure we'll do some pretty fun stuff this summer, just wait and see!" I smiled.

"Bye, Lily!" Grayson waved to me from the other side of the hall, and I laughed, waving back. "Cya Grayson!" 

 I smiled as I realized how many friends I had, and how many close friends I could come to in a difficult situation. I felt like the luckiest girl ever. I sighed with relief that school was finally over for the year, and walked out to the bus with my head held high. 

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