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Leo left Hongbin’s house with a really pale countenance, he didn’t tasted the food you made for them.

- I guess this is karma – he sighed.

Meanwhile, in the house you were seating on the couch in the living room playing PS4 while Hongbin was sleeping in the sofa.

After what occurred you didn’t ask or mention anything about it, instead you keep acting as usual, Hongbin as well. You thought it was for the best and maybe he really meant what he said but either way, you couldn’t leave him there alone in that sick state; he was your long-life friend, and that friendship was not going to be ruined by a kiss. But Leo was mind-absent just stirring his food, like remembering something and randomly nodding to your conversation. You wanted to ask Hongbin about it but knew that wasn’t the right moment so you kept playing to release the stress.

Hongbin was having a dream of the past:

His mother and him as a child, playing in a park both smiling happily. She resembled him so much, even had dimples. Then the dream moved to a more recent date, Hongbin was wearing his junior high school uniform same as you, it was the first day of school, both saying goodbye to your and his parents in front of your houses. After that everything turned gray, now he was wearing his high school uniform, he opened the door and entered his home; his dad was sitting on the table with his eyes fixed on an envelope.

- Dad, what’s wrong? – Hongbin’s voice echoed in the dream

The middle aged man didn’t answer just slipped the envelope to him. He opened it and took out the pictures from it, he examined each one of them, with every photo that he looked his face turned more and more dark. He felt his knees going weak until they couldn’t support his own weight and dropped on the floor the pictures got scattered around the floor, each frame showing his mother with a, whose face wasn’t captured on the photo, in a really intimate situation. He heard his dad sobbing but didn’t turn around because he knew he wouldn’t be able to bear seeing him like that.

- What the … - he exclaimed stunned

The noise of the doorknob dragged him back to reality, he started to slowly got up when his mother showed up in the living room

- I’m ho…- she halted - Hongbin? Darling? What happened? – She walked towards her son but stopped as she stepped on the pictures, her eyes got almost twice their size. – I…I-This is… - she struggled to elaborate an excuse but before she could find one Hongbin looked at her like trying to scream something but he was in so much pain his mouth did not open while his eyes turned watery and red,

- Just leave – his father said resigned. – There’s nothing to say and I know I did nothing to make you cheat on me.

Hongbin’s head was a mess he couldn’t take it anymore so he ran away, ignoring his mom and his dad shouting out to him. When he got out he felt the night breeze hit his face, clearing his mind a little but still he ran until he got breathless. He panted leaning on the balcony at the town’s hill showing the thousand sparkles from the city, the view was beautiful and he thought to invite you next time. It was a good place to confess.

- Love, huh? – He smiled bitterly. – fuck love!

He heard someone chuckled and turned around scared; because he was pretty sure there was nobody there before. His eyes stopped at a tall figure of a long haired guy.

He couldn’t remember his face and the dream went on again to when he got back home; his mom had already left and his dad was lying on the floor unconscious.

-Dad! Hey! – He checked for pulse and felt relieved when he felt the beating on his neck – wake up!

- Son? -  The man started to open his eyes - Where’s your mother?

- She is gone, more importantly, you okay? What happened?

-Yeah, I’m alright…- he lowered his sight – after you left we argued … things got out of hand and all I remember she did something to my neck and I fainted.

Hongbin eyes blew open so fast, he felt a little dizzy and he saw you, still playing videogames in the same place and position you were before he fell asleep. He slowly sat down, holding his forehead, the memory of the dream appeared on his mind.

That’s impossible” he thought.

- oh! You’re awake? How are you feeling? – You asked, pausing the game.

-______?, you’re still here.

- Of course! What would you do without me?

He smiled.

- I don’t know.

Leo finally reached school, it was the first time he was alone since he met you and Hongbin. The second period was self-study so everyone was studying or chatting in their own groups, no that he cared about it, but he got used to be surrounded by you or Hongbin. Suddenly, he felt he was being watched and he turned around to see one of the groups looking at him, he ignored ‘em plugging his headphones and closing his eyes immersing himself into music, a soft R&B song was his favorite tune lately, it made him tap his finger to its pace on the desk.

Minutes later, he sensed someone getting near him. He opened his eyes and saw she was a really pretty girl:  bob-style short blond hair, fair skin and green eyes. He turned the volume down.

- H-hi – she said shyly and he just bowed a little in response. – Don’t be alone, want to join us today? – she cutely smiled.

He considered refusing the offer but staying there alone thinking about what happened that morning wouldn’t help him either, instead he faked a little smile and nodded.

The day passed by and it certainly made him forget about it, it was already late when school finished the sun was setting and his “new crew” planned going to one of the girl’s house. There, they started drinking and playing truth or dare until late at night until it was only him and the girl who spoke to him in class.

- You’re nicer than I thought – she said pulling herself closer to him, Leo was drinking a beer. – We always believed you were a little grumpy – she sounded so flirty, he knew where this was getting and he was right because after some chatting (most likely, she flirting and him just nodding and taking sips from his beer) she grabbed his face perforce and smashed her lips against him and he was too drunk to dodge her and went with the flow, not kissing her back nor moving away. She started to kiss him more roughly as he didn’t answer.

A flash of images hit the back of Leo’s mind: he was lying on a bed with a black-haired woman her smiling and him admiring her dimples, both covered by the white sheets of the hotel room before her phone rang.

- My son… - she answered the call – hi, sweetie, mom is busy with work, so I’ll be a little late home, yes, I love you too.- She ended the call and laid down again. – seems like I have to go back

- So you have kids – he pointed out, smiling.

He’s not a kid anymore; I’m a really young mother. – She smiled grabbing her purse form the nightstand table and taking out some money and placing it on it. – Here’s for tonight, it was entertaining.

He abruptly pushed the blonde girl away and got up towards the door, hearing her calling his name but all he did was turn and apologize before slamming the door behind him leading to a dark, cold and empty street.



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