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Leo, Hongbin, Hakyeon and you started to drink the coffee and you shared the donuts out. The atmosphere was so tense that you felt you head starting to hurt so you finally made up your mind to act like nothing had happened between you and the two guys in front of you.

- How have you been, Hongbin? - you asked as if you hadnt see him in a while but you were referring to his life after he woke up.

- It's kind of complicated - he caught up your idea - I've been reading the more relevant articles from the last years. As for technoligies, well, that's quite easy. Right now, I want to focus on get my high school diploma and enter college.

- That's amazing! If there's something I can help you with, just call me - you liked the idea of him being all positive about it.

- Thank you - Hongbin smiled at you with a soft look.

Even Leo nodded in aprovement, regardless of everything he considered Hongbin as his first guy friend.

Then you turned your head to Leo who was drinking his coffee with a placid expression on his face.

- It's good - he said.

- what about you, Leo? What have you been up to? - you asked caughting not only his attention but Hongbin's as well.

- well... I've been working. Didn't have much time to do career - he side eyed Hongbin - I'm currently living with a friend. And that's it, pretty much.

- Where do you work at? - you asked without malice.

Leo hesitated and Hongbin started to get anxious about his answer.

No way, Is he going to tell her about the "errands"? - he thought.

Then Leo cleared his throat and let out a shaky laugh

- of course is the same as before... the errands.

You glared at him that surprisingly cause him to back up a little as for it wasn't the same childish looking gaze you had years ago, now it was a grown up woman's look. As for you, you had the same feeling as before, the uneasiness in your chest telling you something was wrong.

- Errands, eh? - you chuckled - I think it's time you tell me about them.

Both, Hongbin and Leo, looked at you wide-eyed while Hakyeon just contemplate the scene with a serious yet entertained look.

- what are you saying? it sounds like I'm doing something wrong - Leo tried to change the subject.

- are you not? - you attacked, raising an eyebrow

For the first time in many years Hongbin saw Leo running out of arguments, he was stunned at the over-confident you. Hongbin could not help but pity his old friend.

"fair and square"

- _____!! - he cleared his throat rather loudly to me you pay attention to him - excuse me but who cares about what he does? I am here to visit you an all I've got is being overshadowed by this guy - he stood up an pointed at Leo. - I am not mad but offended. I’m out he walked to the door in a dramatic way but before he looked at Leo, telling to follow him with unspoken words.

- wait Hongbin! - you panicked and tried to follow him but it was too late, he had already closed the door behind him. 

Hakyeon, who was the only one who remained sitting, took another sip of coffee to prevent him from laughing out loud at the dramatic comedy in front of him. Leo in the other hand stood up as well and tried to act indifferent.

- I better go, I caused too much trouble for today. - he bowed at Hakyeon and to you and got out.

As soon as the door closed you looked indignantly at Hakyeon and he just raised his shoulders in a nonchalantly way. you rolled back your eyes and tumbled down on the sofa again.

Giving up on youWhere stories live. Discover now