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His whole body went numb after so much pain, but he heard the sound of her heels going to him.

- If can't have you, no one can... Don't worry, you'll meet her soon in the afterlife – she giggled – I would do the same to Hongbin but he is my key to the fortune, so it will take some time.

Leo felt helpless, frustrated and scared for the first time in his life as he couldn't move at all and everything in his eyes went from blurry to pitch black.

"...Hongbin" he whispered in his thoughts before passing out.


Hongbin pressed you against his chest and held you tighter in his arms, his chin rested on you head and he looked at the night sky contemplating what he was about to say. He moved his head and placed his forehead against yours, his breathing ghosting in your cheeks makes you unable to process everything that was happening right now. How did it go from you comforting him to a romantic situation? Still you didn't move an inch.

- I love you – Hongbin's hoarse voice rumbled inside you – I'm being selfish and egoistic and probably, no... I'm pretty sure you don't see me the way I do but I still can't let you go... I'm sorry.

Your heart was racing at a dangerously fast speed. You knew you had to answer him this time for his and your own good, there was no turning back. Was it love what you felt for him or only sympathy for a childhood friend? What did you feel towards Leo? Being with Hongbin was like being sitting in a beach hearing the relaxing sound of the waves hitting against the sand, you could be there all day in full peace. A comfort zone you never wanted to leave. But dealing with Leo could be compared to being on the edge of a cliff looking down at the waves crashing against the rocks; it was dangerous but still beautiful.

- H...Hongbin, you should find someone better than me, someone whose feeling doesn't sway at the sight of someone else... - you started saying with a soft voice and looking down, the guilt inside your consciousness was unbearable. Your throat was burning and stinging – I knew you liked me when we were kids...I knew, but I couldn't help to fall in love with Leo... I'm sorry.

You waited for Hongbin to let go of you and you'd have had to look at his disappointed and hurt expression which you probably would remember for the rest of your life. Instead, his grip on you tightened and he caressed your jaw line with his fingers and finally placed his hand below your chin to lift your face up and make you look at him.

- Then, why are you crying? – he demanded to know, speaking in a soft yet aggressive way. His eyes darkened as they locked with yours. You let go of him and moved your hand to your cheek and felt the tears streaming down.

You understood then... you were never a person who liked adrenaline.

As you realized your feelings, Hongbin phone rang on the nightstand inside the room. He didn't move but you convinced him to answer, maybe it was an emergency given it was so late and no one calls at this hour unless it's something urgent. He puffed and walked into the dark room and you stayed there feeling all dazed at your own reaction to him.

- What do you want? How did you get my number? – Hongbin was upset all of a sudden, yelling at whoever he was talking with. – And why should I go? – After what seemed that person's answer his face changed into a distorted mix of shock, anguish and rage – y-you did what?

You hurried up to his side to stabilize him, if not he would have fallen on his knees. Now that you were closer you noticed his widen eyes and shaky lips as he continued speaking.

- Oh... God... - he has out of breath and you could hear a woman's voice on the phone but didn't get what she was saying – I'll be there...

When he finally ended the call he turned around to see you with mortified eyes but he didn't say anything and walked out to the living room. Of course, you followed him.

- What's wrong, Hongbin? - You shouted and he stopped and his tracks and turned on his feet to face you – wait!

You were cut off as he clashed his lips against yours, he used his hands to steady your head and then his grip softened as he deepened the kiss with desperate movements; you were taken aback first but gave in when he asked for entrance nipping your bottom lip between his teeth.

- What's wro...oh sorry – Hakyeon interrupted and you pushed yourself away from Hongbin with your cheeks flushing red, same as Hongbin.

- Hakyeon! – Hongbin stopped him before he left – I leave her on your care, don't let her get out or leave her alone, get it? – His voice was demanding and intimidating.

- Why? – You and Hakyeon asked in unison.

- I'll be back, I promise – he kissed your forehead and took his keys from the kitchen before slamming the door behind him.

You and Hakyeon stayed stunned looking at the door for a few seconds until he ran to Hyuk who was sleeping on the couch.

- Hyuk, wake up! – he shook the boy who immediately opened his eyes and reincorporated with sleepy eyes.

- What? – Hyuk groaned rubbing his eyes.

- Hongbin disappeared! – Hakyeon placed his hands on his youngest friend and shook him back and forth frantically

- wasn't he here just now? – he yawned and he finally looked real awake.

- He got a call – you answered not even hiding how concerned you were – it was a woman, I am positive, then he just ran away – you omitted the fact that he kissed you like he never before.

- And he told me to never leave her alone – Hakyeon pointed at you with his thumb.

Hyuk remained silent a minute then took out his cell phone to call someone but the call wasn't answered, he cursed and something flashed in his eyes, like he had made a conclusion.

- Of course it was that woman – he remarked "that" referring to Mrs. Lee.

Then he dialed another number and put it on speaker.

- Who are you calling – curiosity got you

- Leo...

But the call didn't get through once more, he frowned and snorted and dialed again an unknown contact. This time the call was answered almost immediately.

- Khan, do you have Hongbin's tracker info? – he asked in a grown up tone, totally different at what you were used to, you looked at Hakyeon to see if he knew what was going on but he denied shaking his head. – Okay, message me the address.

- Tracker? – you raised your voice higher than expected.

- Yeah, Hongbin is a protected witness. So it's a precaution. Don't worry, he knows about it. It's on his phone; he left leaving that I'd know his whereabouts.

- I get it, so let's get moving – you started to walk towards the door...

- No! Absolutely no! – Hyuk yelled at you – neither of you is going to leave this place, I'll go look for them, and you better start calling Leo or waiting for Hongbin.

Hyuk grabbed his jacket and stomped to the door and left.

Giving up on youWhere stories live. Discover now