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“Why are you doing that?”

“Do you have some time? It’s going to be a long talk”

“Actually, I think I do” Leo let out a breathy laugh.

They reached the coffee shop, that coincidentally was one of Leo’s favorite, but he wasn’t in the mood to say it. The only empty table was next to the glass wall next to the side walk, so as the woman was telling the story Leo looked the people passing by.

“Are you listening?” she nagged before taking a sip from her latte.

“I am. You just said that the boy at the hotel and you met at a club…bla bla bla” he made an indifferent gesture”

“Well at least you heard mostly of it” she fake-laughed again.

They kept quiet for a while, looking outside, sipping on coffee, staring at each other from time to time. Until she finally talked.

“Why don’t you come with me?”


“Don’t get me wrong” he hurried to correct herself “I got a job offer and they were hiring more people so just give it a little bit of thought. I think a change of view will help you recover faster”

“what kind of job is that?” Leo didn’t even bothered in hiding he was suspicious about it being “running errands”

“I’m a publisher, remember?” she handed him a note with her phone number before standing up. “Call me whether you go or not. I have to go now or I won’t make it to the airport”

His eyes widened when she leaned down and placed a soft peek on his cheek, leaving him there stunned for a brief moment.

“Thank you” he whispered.

3 years later.

“Yah! Jung Taekwoon! I need you to get the latest manuscript for next months’ edition; you know that author always forgets when the deadline is” Riko growled from her office, she was waving a bunch of papers like crazy. Leo and other employees looked at her holding their laughs; she easily forgot her office had crystal walls.

“It’s on your desk Riko” Leo rolled his eyes “I left it there this morning” he pointed out from his desk a few meters away from her.

“Oh” She stopped on her tracks, her cheeks flushing red as she found the document right infront of her but under a pile of papers “you are right, sorry”

Leo chuckled and walked to her office and closed the door after stepping in.

“Are you alright? You are more hysteric than ever” he scoffed.

“Hysteric?!” she yelled and Leo busted into laughter. She pouted “way to treat your girlfriend”

“Sorry” he regained his composure “it’s just that I like it when you get angry. You look cute”

Riko’s cheeks flushed so hard that she had to turn around to the view of the city below her office so that the other employees wouldn’t look at her. She cursed the glass walls under her breathe.

“Riko, I need to talk to you” Leo said in a serious tone that was enough to rang all of her alarms “do you have some time after work? Let’s go take a walk”

She nodded and he was dismissed.

Leo had been weird lately, all absent minded when they were together and sometimes he left earlier saying he had some urgent business. It was no wonder that she would feel lonely and unsecure.

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