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You accepted his offer and he returned to his class, not even sparing a second glance when he passed by to Leo who was a few meters away.

- What did he want?

- Leo – you mumbled playing with your fingers and looking to the ground - I accepted to go with him to the ball… you don’t mind, right? Because you said you don’t like it…

And because you were looking to the floor you didn’t see the storm of feeling on his face as he clenched his fist to hold back the growing anger in him.

- It’s fine – he finally could answer keeping his cool – I’m happy you found someone.

You nodded absent minded

- But I still wanted to go with you. – you said softly so he couldn’t hear you.

- So you have to practice after school, right?

- yeah, I’m sorry I won’t be able to go home with you after school on Wednesdays and Fridays

- No problem, actually I just got a call to tell me I have more errands to do.

- I see. That’s good I guess

When classes ended you said goodbye to Leo in the hall and moved to the auditorium to practice with Ken. Even though you practice there the main event is done in a beautiful ballroom the school rents annually.

- You’re here – he said, pinning up his bangs with a hairclip.

- Not that I have a choice.

- You did have a choice, but you wanted me to remain silent, remember? – he half smiled knowing he was right and you just glared at him – bull’s eye?

- Just dance, ok? – you rolled your eyes annoyed.

A tall and slim woman entered next to the chairman and the riot went silent as she emitted a cool and elegant aura. She was wearing sports pants and snickers; her long red hair was tied up in a high ponytail.

- She will be, this year choreographer: Miss Anna. Listen to her and everything shall go smoothly. – the chair chairman raised his voice so everyone could hear him. The woman stepped in looking firmly to the crowd.

- I heard that next year’s dance was “boring” since a lot of you, young people, don’t like classical music. Such a waste. So this year you will dance to instrumental versions of popular ballads.

The choreographer started to demonstrate how to hold your partner: the girl’s left hand should be on his shoulders and his right hand on your waist.

- And that’s how it’s done – the choreographer single clapped – now, the music. This are some of the song’s you’ll dance to – she took the remote and pressed a button, the music was an instrumental version of Union J’s Carry you. It made your heart skip a beat because that song had always reminded you of Hongbin.

“Why does it have to be this song?”  - You thought.

- Remember the guy is the one who leads – she pointed out.

Ken started to move to the rhythm, balancing from one side to the other, holding you closer to him on purpose so your face was almost buried on his chest.

- What?, I know you wanted Leo to be here…

Meanwhile Leo…

- what’s wrong Leo – said a girl who seemed to be around his early 20’s, she was buttoning up her blouse while Leo was sitting on the edge of the queen size bed with his shirt still open – You seem out of it today.

Giving up on youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz