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After that day, no one mentioned anything and stayed together at school, but you knew something was up with Leo because he was quieter than usual, sometimes locking eyes for a second with a blonde girl gossiping with her friends. Even Hongbin became really gloomy spacing out and just giving random answers to you questions and putting on a fake smile that was getting on your nerves.

As you kept eating your breakfast at the cafeteria the annoyance got harder and harder until you couldn’t bear it.

- Can you stop doing that!? It’s really annoying – You got up hitting the table so hard that the palm of your hand got red. Thankfully, the place was empty and only your guy friends looked at you wide eyed.

- What? – Both said at the same time.

- Acting like that – you yelled! Desperation escaping through your words. Hongbin sighed leaving his lunch aside and getting up, gesturing with his hand to follow him, you turned to see Leo but he just ignored you both and kept eating the bread, it was the same flavor as the one you gave to him when you started being friends.

You and Hongbin walked for a minute before you reached the school garden: it was a calm place full of plants and flowers and had a small balcony where you two sat.

- You’re creeping me out, what’s wrong? – You giggled nervously.

-____, I have something really important to tell you – he remarked – but promise me you won’t cry, ok?

You felt a thud in your chest, something was definitely wrong.

- First tell me what it is and I’ll decide if I cry or not. – you answered evading his question and he sighed.

- I know I can’t win against you, but at least don’t get sad and make a drama, ok? – he pleaded – you know how much I hate dramas.

- Ok, just tell already!

He opened his mouth to say it but closed hesitating, like searching for the right words. He sighed again, looking at the ceiling, and then looking at you.

- I’m leaving the city. – he dropped looking straight into you your eyes with the most pained expression you had seen on him so far, waiting for your reaction.

- what… are you …saying… - you said stunned – it’s  a lie right?...

- My dad want us to leave the city since my mom is blackmailing us with bring a lawsuit for a custody – his voice started to draw away echoing – and my dad could go to prison…

You felt everything stopping in time and going silent, the thud in your heart hit stronger making you take your hand to your chest. Without you noticing, tears started building in the corner of your eyes, and your lips tried to form a smile.

Hongbin couldn’t stand anymore and hugged you, without hesitation you wrapped your arms around his back and buried you face on his chest crying so hard.

- I told you, you, you shouldn’t cry… - he rested his chin on your head, still hugging you, holding back the tears.

- Idiot! How am I supposed to react to this?  - You hit his chest softly.

- Don’t worry, I’ll come to see you on holidays and even though I don’t want to say this, you have one more friend, right? Leo will be by your side. – He tried to brighten up the mood as he felt you were sobbing. - It’s alright, it’s alright - He patted your head and caressed your hair, trying to calm you down – it´s not like we´re not going to see each other anymore.

- When are you leaving? – you asked, still not lifting your head and hugging him

-In two weeks – he answered.

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