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Top left is serenity, middle is Katie ( soon to be introduced) , top right is Chrislynn.

I got into the van because there is no use on trying to escape. The dude with curly hair held Chrislynn, the guys with ocean blue eyes held me close to him which to be honest I didn't mind. There was 3 other guys, one was tall , one had rosey cheeks , and the other one was blonde. I was beyond tired so I just laid my head on the boy with blue eyes and went to sleep. A few minutes later I was awoken by a loud scream and immediately knew it was Chrislynn's . I jumped over to where she was sitting and pushed noodle head aside. Chrislynn was having a panic attack and I'm the only one who can calm her down. I took her in my arms , rocked back and forth , along with singing her a song. It was a song her mom used to sing her when Chrislynn was little. Before her mom passed she never had panic attacks ,but ever since then she's had them and they normally aren't too bad. This one on the other hand was really bad. It took me about 30 minuets to get her to calm down. I looked down at her and she was sleeping. I gave her back to noodles and went back to ocean eyes. I put my head back on his shoulder before asking him a question.
Me: hey ocean eyes?
??: Yes?
Me: What's your name?
??: Daniel.
I just nodded my head and fell into a deep sleep. Daniel woke me up about an hour later.
Daniel: Hey.
Me: hmmm
Daniel: we need to get on a plane ok?
Me: ok , but let me wake up Chrislynn or she will freak out again.
Daniel nodded his head and I went and pushed noodles aside again. I woke Chrislynn up in a very calm voice.
Me: Hey Chrislynn.
Chrislynn: hmmm
Me: We need to get on a plane.
Chrislynn: Where are they taking us.
Me: I don't know.
We got up and we walked to the airport together with her hugging my side all the way to the airplane.
I followed closely behind Daniel when he took us to a private jet. Which was pretty sweet.
Daniel: I thought this would be better so we don't have to be around other people.
I simply nodd my head and went inside with Chrislynn still attached to my side. We were officially leaving Florida. Me and Chrislynn slept through the whole flight. Daniel gently shook me awake told me we where here. I told Chrislynn and once again she was attached to my side. I got out of the plane and saw we where at LAX.
WE WHERE IN LA ACROSS THE COUNTRY FROM OUR HOME. I almost started crying ,but I needed to be strong for Chrislynn. We eventually got to Daniel's and the boy' s house , which was huge by the way. We got into the house and all sat on the couch. There was a good 5 minuets of silence before I broke it.
Me: ok I need names and I need them now.
Daniel: ok that's fair. Well I'm Daniel.
??: I'm jack. ( note to self call jack noodle head. )
??: I'm Zach.
??: I'm Corbyn .
??: and I'm Jonah.
Me: ok well I'm serenity and this is Chrislynn.
All the boys: cool.
Zach then yelled for someone named Katie. She was beautiful and kind.
Katie: Hi I'm Katie.
Me: I'm serenity and this is Chrislynn.
Katie: cool here I'll show you y'alls room. Y'all are sharing.
Me: that's fine we prefer it that way.
We got into the room and I didn't even take a second to look at the room I just asked a very obvious question.
Me: where you kidnapped too.....

Third chapter yayyyyyyy!!!!!!
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Kidnapped by WDW Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt