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Serenity's POV

We pulled away from the hug and Daniel looked into my eyes.

Daniel: Serenity will you be my girlfriend again?
Me: Daniel I love you ,but I need you to prove to me that you actually love me and your not just playing me. I want to be sure you won't do it again.
Daniel: Then I will prove it to you. No matter what it takes.

With that he left and I was already missing his warmth, but I had to be sure.

Daniels POV

She wants me to prove it to her , and boy she had no idea what I have in store. I have the perfect plan. I went to get supplies and I set everything up. I then went and picked serenity up. I quickly ran to her room and grabbed her hand.

Serenity: What are you doing?
Me: Proving it to you!
Serenity: Right now?
Me: Yes right now! Here put this on.
Serenity: A bandana are you kidding me right now?
Me: Nope.

I put it on her and lead her outside and into my car. I then took off to the beach where we went on our first date. I had set up candles and a picnic. Later that night fireworks were going to be set off I had everything perfect. I hope she likes it.

Katie's POV

Me: I say we do it right now!
Jonah: I'm down!
Everyone else: Same

Me and the girls went to get serenity and get her to go to Daniels room for something I had                         " accidentally" left in there. Our plan was to get her in there while Daniel was in there and lock the door behind her so they would talk to each other. When me and the girls walked into her and Kylees old room she wasn't there.

Me: Um ok? Let's check the roof.

She wasn't there either. We went back to the living room and the boys came back as well.

Zach: We can't find Daniel.
Corbyn: Did y'all find serenity?
Christina: Nope.
Jack: That they're both missing?
Chrislynn: NO YOU DIPSHIT!

Everyone laughed at my comment and jack acted like he was hurt and placed his hand over his heart.

Chrislynn: It means they're together!!
Kylee: Finally took them long enough.
Corbyn: He better not hurt her!
Christina: He wouldn't do that again..... I hope.

We then all sat in the living room and watched a movie and waited for them to come home.

Serenity's POV

The car had finally stopped and Daniel had gotten out.  He helped me out of the car and guided me to what felt like the beach , considering there was sand in my shoes. He took off my blindfold and I was speechless. It was so beautiful. He had set up a picnic with candles all around us it was so pretty.

Me: This is amazing Dani!
Daniel: I'm glad you like it.

We sat down and started talking. Mainly catching up because we haven't spoken in weeks. We were in the middle of a conversation when it started to rain. And by rain I mean pour. We ran to a nearby cave and by the time we got there we were soaked. Daniel looked really upset about something though.

Me: What's wrong?
Daniel: It's just that there was one more thing I had planned tonight.
Me: What?
Daniel: There we're going to be fireworks and we were going to watch them together.
Me: It's ok Dani.
Daniel: No it's not! I need to prove that I love you and this , well , it's just ruined now!
Me: It's not ruined. Showing me that you love me doesn't mean you have to show me big gestures. It's the little things that matter.
Daniel: Like this.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss. Fireworks did go off that night just not the ones Daniel expected.
We stayed there with each other till the rain died down enough to where we could leave it was around 1 am before that happened. We went home, changed , and went to sleep. I went to bed with Daniels arms wrapped around me for the first time in a long time and I finally felt at peace. All of my problems suddenly melted away.

Another chapter done!!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Love y'all! 💕💕

Kidnapped by WDW حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن