Stars cant shine without darkness

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Corbyns POV

I sat on the couch and I patiently waited for Daniel to come home. I was so mad I didn't know what to do! I needed answers and I needed them now! All of a sudden Jonah, Zach, Jack, Kylee, Christina, Katie, and Chrislynn came in.

Jonah: Hey Corbyn ! Is serenity ok?
Kylee: Yeah is she?
Katie: Wow, um he was drunk so he's passed out at Logan's. Why?
Me: I need answers from him and I need them now!
Zach: Slow down what happened?

All of their jaws were dropped they were absolutely shocked!


Jack and serenity have also grown close, as friends obviously.

Katie and Chrislynn: LETS GO!

Before they could walk out they were grabbed by the boys.

Jonah: I know what he did was wrong , but he was drunk not saying that's an excuse because it's not! We should wait to confront him in the morning though because you know he's drunk.

Jonah: I know I know , but it's not going to make a difference if he doesn't remember it.

Jonah had a point we should wait till tomorrow when he comes home.

Corbyn: I guess you're right , one of us should probably go check on serenity.
Kylee: I'll go.

Kylees POV

I went upstairs to check on serenity. I know what it feels like to be cheated on. It hurts like hell! I opened the door to check on her, but she wasn't there and the window was open. I ran downstairs to tell the others.

Me: Uh guys we have a problem!
Corbyn: What is it?
Me: Serenity is not in bed and the window is open!
Jack: Shit!
Chrislynn: Calm down guys I know where she went, but I'm going alone.
Katie: No offense , but no we are coming.
Chrislynn: Please it will just make things worse if we all go.
Corbyn: ok just be careful!
Chrislynns: ok.

Serenity's POV

After Corbyn left my room I slept for a bit. I was woken up by Corbyn screaming where's Daniel. I decided to take a walk to my safe place. I needed to clear my head. You might be wondering where this safe place is, or what it is. Well it's kind of hard to explain. My mom used to take me here all the time when I was younger. Well when she was around anyways. We used to make trips from Florida to here and she would take me and show me why she loved going there. It's my favorite place in the entire world. Here's what it looks like.

She took me to the end of the cliff and we would sit for hours upon hours and look at the stars

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She took me to the end of the cliff and we would sit for hours upon hours and look at the stars. She always told me that every time a star shot across the sky a prayer was heard in heaven. She would show me all the different constellations and what they meant. She would always tell me the stories behind them. When I got there I just thought about everything that has happened. From start to finish. I was so deep in thought I almost couldn't hear anything around me. Maybe I do need to be prettier, maybe Daniel was right. I'm not as pretty or as smart as I need to be. I was taken out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I knew that it was chrislynn. That's her way of letting you know she's there.

Me: Hi.
Chrislynn: Where is she?
Me: I don't know. She was gone before I got back home. I just feel closer to her when I'm here.
Chrislynn: Me too. Why didn't you tell me?
Me: I wanted to there was just to much going on. I couldn't stand to be around so many people. This is my first time being cheated on. I thought he actually loved me. I thought we were good. I guess I was wrong.
Chrislynn: You remember what your mom said to you all the time? That every time a star shoots across the sky a prayer is heard in heaven?
Me: Yeah.
Chrislynn: Remember what else she told you that night. You didn't think it was that important, but it stuck with me. Even though I wasn't there , when you told me it stuck with me.
Me: no I don't remember.
Chrislynn: She said that Stars can't shine without darkness. I believe everything happens for a reason, maybe this is what needs to happen in order for you to shine and be you. Don't think I haven't noticed how you've changed.
Me: What?
Chrislynn: You always used to be the one who would not stop fighting for something, a person who saw the light in nothing but darkness. You were always so happy no matter what. You were always active and did everything to perfection. Being here has changed you. Being with Daniel has changed you. I know you, and I know that you think you are not good enough for Daniel. That you need to be prettier, but you don't! You're perfect!

I didn't even realize how much I have changed. God I hate how she can read my mind! She stood up and held out her hand.

Chrislynn: Come on lets go home.

I took her hand as we walked back to the boys place. I'm going to just drop Daniel. Just thinking about it made me want to throw up. I still love Daniel! How am I supposed to give him up. I gave him my heart , but he ended up taking my soul. Then left with it, I don't think I could ever get over him. He broke me, I don't think I can recover. I started to cry and chrislynn turned around and gave me a huge hug.

Chrislynn: You can recover. I promise, I will be here through it all.

We just sat there like that for a few minutes and then
continued home. Once we got there everyone gave me a hug and sent me to bed. Within seconds I was fast asleep.

Did you like it? I'm worried about serenity. I hope Daniel gets a broken nose! Jk bc this is a book and none of its real. 😂😂💕 love y'all thanks for reading!!

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