Let her go?

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Chrislynn walked out of my room and I cried again. Even harder than I did over Daniel. She's my best friend and love blinded her.  I could relate. I needed my best friend , but I was still pissed. Then the door had been gently opened the door and whoever opened it sat on my bed and gently placed their hand on my back.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around their neck. At this point I didn't care who it was, I just needed someone.
??: Hey it's ok.
Judging by the smell it wasn't Daniel and it wasn't one of the girls .
??: everything is ok.
At this point I knew who it was. It was Corbyn.
Me: What am I supposed to do. I can't take this anymore.
Corbyn: I know you've been through  a lot. I'm here for you . I know we got off to a bad start, but I really want to be friends.
Me: Can we Please I really need someone right now.
Corbyn: Sure.
We just sat there in silence while he held me in his arms. After a few minutes we let go and he got up.
Corbyn: I'm going to get a bottle of water, do you want anything?
Me: Yeah ,just a water please.
Corbyn: Ok I'll be right back.
Corbyn walked out the door and I waited there until he came back.


I walked out of Serenity's room and went to get both of us a water. I opened the fridge and pulled out 2 waters. Just when I was about to shut the door to the fridge , someone shut the door for me. It was Daniel and he looked at me like he was going to kill me.
Me: Hey?
Daniel: Why?
Me: Why what?
Daniel: Why where you hugging serenity.
Me: I think you know.
Daniel: Um no i don't.
Me: Seriously, are you that oblivious?
Daniel: What do you mean?
Me: Dude, we kidnapped her and her friends , what do you expect? Her just to be fine and immediately like you?
Daniel: Why so you care so much? Do you like her?
Me: Um, may I remind you I have a girlfriend!
Daniel: Then why were you with her?
Me: She was crying, what was I supposed to do ,I want to be friends with her. Now if you'll excuse me I'll need the keys to the handcuffs.
Daniel: She'll escape.
Me: Why would you care. Your not comforting her are you.
Daniel: .....
Me: The thing is you'll never win her if you keep her locked up like a dog. If you truly love her , let her go man. If she really loves you she'll come back and if she doesn't then it just wasn't meant to be.
I walked back up to serenity who was now asleep. I set the water down on her desk and covered her up with a blanket and left the room.


Deep down I knew he was right, but how could I let her go. She's so beautiful and smart. So kind and headstrong. What do I do? I love her but, keeping her locked up isn't helping. I really don't want to let her go.

Another cliffhanger I'm sorry I had to!!

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