Your love holds me hostage

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Daniels POV

When Corbyn asked me I didn't know what to say. I did do it ,and I did it for no reason.

Me: Corbyn , if I'm being completely honest I don't know why I did it.
Corbyn: Yeah you do.
Me: What?
Corbyn: You know why you're just scared to admit it.
Me: How do you know that?
Corbyn: Because you did the same thing to your ex. Said the same things too.
Corbyn: Do I really need to explain it to you?

I just stayed silent and I realized that I did do the exact same thing to serenity as I did to my ex. Corbyn got up and started to leave.

Me: Corbyn?
Corbyn: Yeah?
Me: How can I win her back?
Corbyn: I guess that you should figure that out.

And with that he left. I know I need to do something something to show her how much she means to me.
Think , Daniel , Think!

Serenity's POV

I went back to my old room after leaving the roof. I wanted him back so bad, yet I was scared to tell him. I don't want to break again. Hell im still broken!

Me: What the hell are you doing to me?  I whispered

I miss him so much! I just want to hold him again. Hug his waist. What do I do?

Katie's POV

I knew serenity was taking it really hard. We all were, we couldn't figure out why Daniel did it. We thought he was better than that. Especially since he kidnapped her. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm still pissed. Where I'm from , someone would've been shot by now. Anyways off topic , not really . But! Me and Zach were talking just trying to get it figured out.

Me: Serenity is still taking it really hard. She hardly ever comes out of her room. If she does she normally goes to the roof with her guitar.
Zach: I know. I hear her almost every night.
Katie: She hardly even eats anymore. Who the fuck can live without food? I can barley go an hour!
Zach: ME TOO! Daniel is taking it hard too. Its like they can't thrive or be happy without each other.
Me: Tell me about it!
Zach: So What should we do?
Me: I have a plan, but serenity might kill us afterwards.
Zach: Should we do it then? I mean I would like to live.
Me: Oh I will live for sure!
Zach: How do you know?
Me: I just have to out run you!
Zach: HEY!
Me: Sorry....... no I'm not.

Me and Zach laughed and then continued planning our idea. We even got Chrislynn, Jonah, Christina, Jack, Kylee, Corbyn, and Christina in on it. Once we were done we decided on doing it tomorrow night. It was all set and done. Ill be surprised if it doesn't work. I feel like a freakin spy right now!

Serenity's POV

I heard a bunch of whispering next door but I tried to ignore it. I just stared at the stars from my balcony. I watched the way they twinkled and the way they were so bright. I pulled out my guitar and started singing hostage by Billie Eilish. (Song above)
It matched my mood perfectly. I just wanted to be with Daniel. As I sang the lyric " just let me hold you like a hostage" I heard the balcony door open and close. I didn't even turn around I just wanted to be alone.

Me: Whoever it is please just go away I want to be alone.
Daniel: I think we've been alone for far to long.

I turned around and saw Daniel. I turned back around. He came and sat down and looked at me while I stared at the stars.

Me: You were all I wanted Daniel. You were my everything. I trusted you with my life, and you tossed it away like it was nothing.
Daniel: I know I did. I know that what I did was unforgivable. I know you probably hate me.....
Me: But that's the thing Daniel , no matter how much I try, no matter how many times I tell myself that I hate you, I just can't. It's like I can't move or breathe unless your around. Believe me I tried , I tried so hard to forget you, but I can't. I said with tears forming in my eyes.
Daniel: I'm so sorry serenity. I hurt you, I broke you, I just can't forget about you. I can't get you out of my head. I love you serenity. I love you so much!
Me: You can't just say sorry and just expect me to come running back to you. How do I know you won't do it again.
Daniel: I won't do it ever again. I know I can't force you to do anything, but I'll wait for you. No matter how long it is, I'll wait. Do you know why?

I shook my head no.

Daniel: Because you're the only person I could ever truly love. Your my one and only. If you want me back I'm here. If you don't I understand. I'll be waiting.

He started to leave , but I couldn't take it anymore.

Me: Daniel wait!

He turned around and walked back to me. I looked into his eyes and pulled him close to me. I then pulled him into a kiss. When we pulled apart I hugged him.

Me: I love you too.

He hugged me back and we just stood there for what felt like hours. We just sat there in each others presence ,not wanting to be separated ever again.

Heyyyyyy!! Hope you liked this chapter!! Make sure to vote! Thank you guys for reading this took me forever to write. Love yall💕💕

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