The end

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A little less than 4 years later

Serenity's POV

Years later me and Daniel have gotten closer and closer. I finally got to where I could trust him again. He hasn't let me down or cheated on me since. Me and Daniel are doing great and, he recently proposed. We are getting married in 3 weeks and are expecting a baby girl. I could not be happier with him.

Kylees POV

Me and jack are , well just let me say, AMAZING! We are happily married! We have 2 happy children , a boy and a girl. We have many happy memories and many more to go!

Katie's POV

Me and Zach are happily together. We have been dating for about 5 years now and Zach promised me that as soon as we are old enough he would put an actual ring on me, but for now he has given me a promise ring. I can't wait till the day we are actually married.

Chrislynns POV

Me and Jonah are getting married next month and I can't be more excited about it! We are also expecting a little boy. I can't be more excited to have another little Jonah running around! And to think it all started when we were kidnapped.

Christina's POV

Me and Corbyn are happily married. We have been for a few months now and we couldn't be happier. We are both helping all the girls in there upcoming weddings and children. Me and corbyn don't have any kids ,but we want to have some. I can't wait for our future.

All of the girls and boys are gladly together and even though the girls were kidnapped, they couldn't be more happier with how they're life's ended up.

Thank you so much for reading this book! I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you want more from me make sure to check out my book The Military! Love y'all! 💕💕 that's me at the top😉

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