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Upon arriving at the restaurant where we agreed to hold our date, we sat down, ordered food and drinks, and talked. It seems though not even five minutes into us sitting down I can feel the dirty glares being sent our way. I tensely look to my left, then to my right. Sensing my tension, Yoongi places his hands ontop of mine in a comforting gesture.

"Don't worry about them." He says in an attempt to reassure me, but it still doesn't ease my tension.

"I can't help it. Everyone is judging us."

"Let them. We are here trying to live in the moment, ignore them and focus on us, on our date." I smile.

"We are on a date, huh?"

"Our first date." He adds. I bite my lip. How crazy, isn't it? Crazy that I've spent countless nights with this man, yet we've not once made an attempt to seriously start something, but here we are now, making this work.

"I'm glad I said yes to the date."

"You were gunna say no?"

"Well, no I mean-"

"I'm kidding. I'm glad you said yes too." He interwines our hands and smiles. My heart flutters and I close my eyes and smile.

How did I get so lucky?

"I honestly feel so lucky right now."

"Mm, why is that?"

"I don't know..honestly, I didn't expect any of this to be happening. I thought you were going to leave me for her after awhile."

"But I didn't, I'm here now, okay? Let's forget about my past and start fresh. In fact, how about we reintroduce ourselves."

"Reintroduce ourselves?" I laugh.


"Hi, my name is Park Jimin."

"Hey, my name's Min Yoongi and don't you look mighty fine tonight." I chuckle to myself.

"This is ridiculous, hyung."

"Oh come on, it's just a bit of fun." He smiles, his beautiful gummy smile. I bite my lip, god..if it weren't for that damn smile.

"I could say you look mighty fine as well, Min Yoongi." I say, sending a wink his way which causes him to chuckle.

"Flirting with an older man, Park Jimin?" He gasps fakely, "How do you think I feel about an innocent child trying to flirt it up with an older man like me?"

"Oh, come on..I know you've got a thing for tainting pretty boys like me."


Hello, I've updated early as heck because I finished this chapter and I'm feeling okay with it, but I know later on I'm going to look back at it and face palm so hard.

Thanks for 100 reads guys wtf!

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