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The date with Yoongi went well. We went to a coffee shop and sat down and talked. It's dates like those that I remember so fondly.. It's dates with Yoongi that are always so unforgettable.

"You falling asleep there, sleepyhead?" Yoongi's question snaps me out of my thoughts.

"No, just thinking." He pulls me closer and I smile at the warmth that radiates off his porcelain skin. I pull the covers closer to us in an attempt to retain the warmth that's being shared between the two of us.

"Jimin," I turn around to face Yoongi. He places a delicate kiss onto my lips and I smile as we exchange a simple gesture that we know between the two of us can be percieved as a gesture of love.

"You're so beautiful, Jimin." He tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and I put my hand on his cheek, letting my thumb do soothing strokes while I admire the beauty and love that's right in front of me.

"You're such a view." I tell him as I let out a breath of which can only be described as letting out what seemed to be a breath of awe.

"I love you so much." He says as he lifts himself up and hovers on top of me. He lowers himself down to peck kisses onto my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck in an attempt to deepen our kiss.

It's in moments like these where I just want time to freeze. Nothing in the world could ever be as perfect as this moment Yoongi and I are sharing. A moment of deep love, trust, and happiness.

He rolls back onto his side of the bed and I cuddle up into his side. I never want to leave his warmth and I know that he doesn't want to leave mine either.

"Let's get married." He says abruptly. My mouth drops and I look at him.


"I know..you're not eighteen, but you turn eighteen soon. Finish high school, lets get married, and let's go off to somewhere new. Let's start a new life there..just the two of us."

"Baby, that's eloping." I say with a laugh.

"Whatever it is I want it..with you." I smile at him and cup his cheeks. I press a kiss onto his rosy soft lips and look at him with only love and admiration filled in my eyes and I can see he's looking at me with the exact same feelings as well.

"Then let's do it."

Happy times.

Hey guys..sorry if you were looking forward to a date and didn't get to see one. I can assure you that there will be a yoonmin date in the future. This book is coming towards an end! I'm finally where I want to be and I know how to get to the ending and I'm just sooooo excited for you guys to finally see what's been on my mind since way before I even began writing the first chapter of this book. Thank you for all your reads and support it's tremendous and I'm so absolutely grateful for it all. I'll try and update soon..expect one within these next two weeks or hopefully I can get one in by the end of next week, but if not for sure there will be one by the beginning of August. I'll go now..thank you so much for sticking by this book!

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